2 - eat slugs

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Something evil has returned to Hogwarts


Ron's POV

"AT least no one on the Gryffindor had to by their way in. They got in on pure talent." y/n says, confronting Malfoy like the daring girl she is. A burst of pride fills my chest, although I'm not sure why. 

Malfoy wrinkles his nose in disgust. "No one asked your opinion, y/l/n. You filthy little mudblood." He spits.

Anger surged through me at the name he just called her, as well as the need to protect her. "You'll pay for the one Malfoy! Eat Slugs!" I yell, brandishing my broken wand. As soon as I do, I immediately regret it, a blast sending me flying backwards.

Harry, Hermione and y/n immediately run over to me. "You okay, Ron? Say something!" Hermione urges, but I can't because of something slimy working its way up my throat. A slug flies out of my mouth, followed by another and another, leaving an acrid taste in my mouth. 

If the spell hadn't backfired, it would've been great to see Malfoy be the one vomiting slugs. I should have known this would happen with my broken wands, but the risk was worth it for y/n.  

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