10 - théodore laurent

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A/N: Steam warning in second part. No smut (yet)



IT takes awhile before the first DA meeting is held since we can't find somewhere big enough. But finally it's found. The Room of Requirement. Meetings end up being held once a week, where Harry either instructs us on a new topic or revising an old one.

"Here. You want to hold your wand higher." Theo says, coming behind me to wrap his arms around me and guiding my arm with his. We're working on the levicorpus spell and Nigel, a second year, has the displeasure of being the guinea pig. Although, I'm not really sure he minds all that much seeing as he's quite fond of Harry and would probably jump off a bridge if he asked him to. 

"I'm pretty sure she's holding her wand at the right height." Ron says from his spot beside me. 

"You're probably right." Theo says, pulling away from me. "I just like to have any excuse to touch my girlfriend." He says, circling his arms back around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I try my best to maintain my focus on Nigel but his close proximity gets to me, and for a brief moment my thoughts stray. In that moment, Nigel falls through the air, hitting the stack of pillows we layed out as an extra precaution. Now I'm especially glad that we did. 

I break out of Theo's arms and rush over to Nigel. "I'm so sorry, Nigel." I apologise, hoping he's not hurt.

"It's fine." He says, jumping back up with a wide smile on his face. Merlin, this kid is never not happy. "It was kind of fun, actually." 

Then he makes his way over to someone else to be used as a guinea pig yet again. As soon as he's gone, Theo wraps me in a hug again, nuzzling his face into my neck and kissing me. I pull away. "You should know after that not to distract me." I laugh. "I need to focus on practicing this spells. You can give me attention later."

"Good. Because I have a few ideas." Theo smirks.

One look in Ron's direction and I see him pretending to puke as he looks between Theo and I. I roll my eyes at him before turning back to practicing a variety of spells. 


"I thought that DA meeting was going to last forever." Theo says when we get to his dormitory in Ravenclaw Tower. He flops back onto his bed, pulling me down on top of him. 

I giggle, looking up at him. "It wasn't that long. Besides, we need to know these things. The time will come to fight, and I want to be able to protect myself and fight back."

"Do you believe it? That You-Know-Who's really back?"

"Of course I do. Harry is my best friend and I believe him. He would never lie about anything that serious." I tell him. "Do you not believe it?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "The Daily Prophet and the Ministry don't believe it." 

"They're scared. People do a lot of things they normally wouldn't when they succumb to fear."

"You're right." He nods. "But enough talking."

Then he flips me over so I'm laying on my back and his body is hovering over mine. "What did you have in mind?" I smirk. 

In answer he brings his face down to meet mine, kissing my lips slowly. His tongue slips into my mouth, exploring. Then the kiss deepens, turning hungry and wanting as he tugs on my bottom lip with his teeth before moving to my jaw. 

His teeth scrape along my jaw, followed by his tongue soothing the little nips before he starts kissing my neck. He finds my sweet sensitive spot, and I let out a gasp, my back arching off the bed. 

Theo's hands roam down my body as he undoes the buttons of my shirt and I let him. Once my shirt is open, revealing my bare stomach and bra, his hands settle on my waist as he continues his trail of kisses between the valley of my breasts and down the plane of my stomach. 

My breathing is heavy and erratic, my heart hammering inside my chest. Then his lips meet the sliver of skin just above the waistband of my skirt. Although the feeling of his lips on my warm skin is absolutely heavenly, I stop him. 

"Theo." I say, willing my heart and breathing to slow down. 

"Yes, love?" He asks, looking up at me, his mouth still hovering over my skin. 

"I don't want to do anything." I tell him. 

He grins. "You don't have to reciprocate if that's what you're saying."

"No. I mean, I don't want you doing anything either." I remedy. "At least not yet. I'm not ready."

I can see a flash of disappointment appear across his face, and I feel bad but then it's gone. Theo and I will have been together for a year this Christmas, but we still haven't done anything further than making out. Of course, that was mostly because of the whole long-distance thing. And now that we're actually at school together, I can't bring myself to move to the next step in our relationship. I know he's a guy and inevitably will want sex, but he's probably had sex before. I haven't and I've always thought of my first time as being with someone I love with all my heart. I really like Theo and enjoy spending time with him but I wouldn't classify it as love.

I also know that what he was implying didn't mean losing my "virginity", but it would still be a high level of intimacy that I'm not quite prepared for with him yet.

"Yeah, of course." He says, coming back up to lay down next to me. 

"I should actually get going. It's almost curfew and I don't want to get another detention with Umbridge." I say, sliding off the bed. 

He winces at the mention of detention with Umbridge, and I know he still feels guilty for not noticing my hand that first week of school. "You can stay here, if you want."

I shake my head. "No, Gryffindor is playing their first Quidditch match of the year tomorrow morning and I promised my friends we would walk down to the pitch together and get seats." I tell him as I button up my shirt.

"Alright." He nods, standing up off the bed. "Are you alright?"

I nod. "Yeah. Of course." I tell him, giving him a quick kiss before heading to Gryffindor Tower. 

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