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↳ ❝ [第2章] ¡!

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↳ ❝ [2] ¡!

He advanced toward the fifth step prior to looking at Y/n tediously: His face was somewhat long and thin and his hair was practically a blonde tone. "Where is Lady Historia?- " He asked giving Y/n a messy look.

The sovereign of the Carcoswald Citadel realm mouth hung open before acquiring her author. "Reiner!" She said her voice higher yet harsh. "I said I needed to wed Lady Reiss not... her..." It fell quite briefly. It took Y/n all that she had not to stomp off creating a scene . "Mother I want to utilize the telephone and leave," Y/n said in a soft tone ensuring no one else could hear. Her father gave a 'this is absurd,' look and he feigned exacerbation.

"I might want to officially conciliatory sentiments for my Son's conduct," the lord of Carcoswald Citadel apologized. "In any case, he needs to relinquish this infantile behavior... Reiner! You are wedding Lady Y/n!" Reiner's mother said before Reiner sneered at her  because of her betrayal.

He stomped off up the excellent steps, servants obliging his requirements. He was incensed, without a doubt. Y/n remained peaceful briefly. "Say goodbye to your mother and father, you will remain with us and you will wed our child if he prefers it," he said before bowing and leaving the steps to excuse himself.

Both Y/n's mother and father embraced her farewell. She was left before the steps the servants all viewing at the ground as they held their towels on their arms.

The female went to the brown-haired male  she saw before, and staring at him tediously. "You," Y/n said as you took a look at him. "Yes my lady?" he inquired.
"Kindly escort me too where I will remain," she said. He basically gestured before mumbling  "of course my lady."

He gestured before getting Y/n's luggage and taking  her things higher up. She then followed in no time behind him. The artworks that hung recounted stories. They were all the more rather dull tones, yet every single one of them has their own tale.

Eren pivoted the corner before going into the room you would remain in. It had extravagant foundations and definite oak furniture yet it actually didn't feel enough for you. Not cash astutely, but instead home-like-wise. "I'll send up the servants to unload the remainder of your baggage, as you can see preceding your visit your family enriched as well as could be expected."

"No. Don't," Y/n said as she grabbed his wrist. He took a gander at where her glove was but she immediately let go and made a sound as if to speak. "My expressions of remorse. Be that as it may, please stay. I ask of you to stay," you said as you shifted your head. "I- of course my lady," he said as he remained in his place. "Kindly sit," she said strolling over to the little step territory across your room that prompted an open zone. There was oak fencing around it to hold back from falling, however since it was a little stature it wasn't really there for anything other than looks.

There was a little table on the zone that Y/n strolled up onto it in and signaled for him to plunk down. "Is it accurate to say that you are certain? I can ring someone- anybody, to go with you," he said tediously. "No. I said I need you to remain here with me." Eren gestured before sitting down opposite Y/n. "Ease up some. No need to be so tense," Yoy said as tou used four of your fingers upwards to cover your giggle.

Eren looked at Y/n before somewhat separating his lips. "If you could have done whatever else in your life what might you have done?" He addressed inclination like he shouldn't be the one to ask that to somebody from Y/n's status.

"Well," she said looking out the window. "Mine is pretty simple. Let me hear what you would have done."

"My friend... He always talked about the ocean. He got to see it a few times but I never really get to see him anymore as he works in the lower classmen. I suppose I don't have my position now but I much rather be doing something to make a change in the world than sit here and serve people who don't care about my very existence-" He quickly stopped himself before looking up from his hands that lied in his lap.

He was astounded to see you didn't look frantic you nearly looked understanding. You basically gestured before letting out a delicate grin. "I wish I could say I know how you feel yet I would lie to you if I did. I would prefer not to feel sorry for you but instead, it was pleasant of you to disclose to me how you feel,", he saw you astounded prior to taking a gander at the clock. "I should be going now," he said taking a gander at the colossal clock held tight to your divider. "Goodnight my lady," he said and bowed before leaving.

You lied in bed that late evening gazing at the top bed outline. It was dim in your room that evening. You considered who was Mikasa and for what reason would he totally make you resemble a dolt. You covered your face lower into the covers as your hands expressed held onto the end close to you.

The château hallways were quiet. You remained in bed a couple of more seconds before you immediately got up and getting a lamp and strolling toss the obscurity. You haven't seen a large part of the sovereign and ruler that day since you went through the vast majority of the day conversing with Eren. You passed up the supper that was offered various of times.

You wish there were something you could do. However, I guess pondering up at that hour was really unusual. You advanced down steps before going into where the workers prepared suppers and chose to eat a slice of bread. It very delicious if you do say so yourself.

You brought your lantern back up the steps and through the long hallways before going into your room. You put your light on your bedside before blowing it out.

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