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↳ ❝ [6] ¡

"Ah damn it!" Bertholdt said as his sword traveled to the ground. Both Reiner and Bertholdt were fencing. Reiner held the blade to his neck somewhat shifting his head. "I surrender!" Bertholdt said. "What a sissy," Reiner said before snatching scoffing, and grabbing Bertholdt's hand of the ground. You were sitting watching them sword battle from the gazebo as you didn't have anything better to do.

Bertholdt was a prince from an adjoining country. Truth be told it wasn't too far, you had just met him in person today which was very odd as you would like to think since you heard his name being referenced three weeks earlier. So his nation has probably been close for him to travel so regularly.

Reiner removed his gloves prior to waving them noticeable all around. "I need to change," he said. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

You gazed as he strolled from the rear of the palace. "Hm," was all you said as you took a drink of wine. Bertholdt strolled over to the spot you were sitting and plunked down next to you. "Fuck, it's hot," he murmured. You chocked on your wine at his way of phrasing things. "Pardon?" You said practically chuckling. "Shi- I mean, my bad," he said looking aside.

"It's alright, really," you said taking another taste. "Since Reiner will be no more... would you be able to disclose to me more about this... Historia?..." you inquired. You had been begging him for two days now and he had just now properly got the time to tell you a little bit about her. "Oh, Historia?" He said. "Mmh!" You nodded intriguingly

"Oh. All things considered, I suppose," he said shifting his head back at the back passage of the palace. "Historia as you may already know was another princess he had met when he visited her... um kingdom," you saw him befuddled. "Kingdom? As in she's already married?" You inquired. "Yes, to a lady named Ymir," You looked at him for a moment before slowly opening your mouth.

"A woman?..." you asked. "Yes, a woman. In their country they changed the law... they made it so you had the option to wed whoever you wanted... But to get to that point it was hard..." he said. "Reiner was disturbed as he had eyes on this lady for a very long time yet essentially her eyes were for another person," He continued.

"Oh," you said looking down. "I wish I could say he merited her however her heart has a place with whoever she needs it to be as well," Bertholdt gestured to your reaction yet when he was going to say something when back castle door of the palace opened. "Alright Bertholdt, how about we go," he said. "I'm sorry," Bertholdt immediately said before following Reiner.

"Hm... Ymir then...?" You muttered looking down at you cup you were now holding with two hands. "I wish to know more about her," you thought to yourself.


"Eren!" You said running down the passageways. He halted before turning around and as he did he caught you in his arms. "For what reason are you running?" He asked concerned. "It's nothing... Honestly," you said as you utilized his shoulder to push yourself off him. "Would you be able to come on a stroll with me?" You inquired. He found you somewhat and down before gesturing. "Obviously," he said.

You strolled down the means before leaving the front entryway and onto the ways. "At the point when I revealed to them I would be off on a walk, they offered to have one of the guards help me however I declined and said you would," you murmured before leaving the entryways.

At that very moment, Reiner watched from his room as you and Eren strolled so significantly. He sneered before moving himself off his window and onto his bed. Bertholdt taking a look at him eagerly and shook his head. "What now?" His close friend said as he however tossed his apple up in the air before getting it again with the same hand. "Y/n and that Butler appears to be quite close. One night I saw her escape out of the palace," he said as he reclined on the bed.

"Is it accurate to say that you are certain it was her? What's more, how would you realize she planned to take a brief trip and see him?" Bertholdt asked dubiously. "It's simply- ugh! For what reason were Eren and Y/n haphazardly gone at the same time in the same night," he groaned. "Hm. That is odd I suppose..." He said glancing out Reiner's huge window.

"I don't care for them together... I don't need them together... I will allocate another person for her... This Yeager fellow isn't it..." He sneered.

"I suppose. Whatever helps you sleep at night Reiner," Bertholdt said as he rested his neck back on the back of his seat. Reiner gave a nauseated look before grabbing his cap and pushing over the ways to leave the room.

"H-hey wait!" Bertholdt cried. "I didn't mean it like that!" He said as he got up after Reiner. He looked as the light-haired male fixed his tie that was brandished with a long jacket.

"Where the hellfire are you doing Reiner?" His companion inquired. Reiner halted before taking a gander at him. "Nothing... I'm sitting idle," he said as he kept on strolling. Bertholdt remained there briefly considering and whether he ought to follow his companion or let him leave.

"God that is no joke," Bertholdt muttered. Reiner had effectively made it down the steps and out of the front entryway following to where he saw you heading.

He watched you as you conveyed a little dandelion and were snickering as you did such.

"You never stop to intrigue me," you said. "It's actual! Genuinely! Mikasa kept a close eye on over me for the following three days as a result of me! Also, I thought it was awful previously," he said.

"Wow I can't really accept that she truly did-" you halted halfway in your sentence prior to glancing over to see Reiner standing where the front entryway was.

"Would you be able to give me a second?" You mumbled as you began strolling once again to where Reiner was. "Both of you appear to be very close," Reiner said shifting his head. "So now you're following each move I make around her now, huh?" You sneered.

"Go,d you're not kidding!" You say. Reiner moaned before snatching your hand and beginning to stroll back into the palace.

"H-hello stop," you whimpered. "You had dropped the parasol you were holding and made an honest effort to keep up. You surrendered before moaning. "We need to get in total agreement, and overlooking each other won't address anything," Reiner said glancing back at you.

You both made it back into the palace before remaining in the hall. "Look-" Reiner said looking aside. "I'd prefer to apologize for my wrongdoing," he proclaimed. You stopped briefly gradually gesturing at him.

A couple of moments pass by of you simply gazing at him and his eyebrows bend as his students expanded. "Well?!" He asked you. "I forgive you," you said. Prior to grasping your hand and strolling up steps.

 Prior to grasping your hand and strolling up steps

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A/n꒱: Sorry this was kind of bad l-o-l. I think it's interesting I just- I don't know? I don't feel like this is heading in the direction I want it to go in. I have my ending I just don't know how to get there? And this is only chapter 6. I'm hoping to get around 14 chapters but I'm already getting writer's block. :(

Btw thank you so much for 100 reads!

𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗠𝗔𝗝𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗬 エレン (Eren) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now