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↳ ❝ [第8章]  ¡!

You topped your head outside your entryways before gently getting your dress and strolling. Eren had said to dress officially which had you somewhat confounded. That and the way that you were attempting to not get discovered being seen with Eren, particularly in light of your affections for him. It was something unusual, however, something about him carried you ever nearer to him.

You discreetly advanced around the bend before your voice was called and you were pulled. You turned the corner before you were gotten from behind. Hands folded over your abdomen as your face remained looking ahead. "Hey~ Don't be that way," Eren said in your ear. "Ngh~ Eren," you said looking down. He said behind you peered down the rear of your body as he marginally laughed. "You get really flustered you know that? I really love it."

He turned you around and his face was near yours which made you shut your eyes firmly. "I've never really been this close to you," You said unobtrusively. He gazed at you naming his head. . "Yes, you have. In fact, you were the one that had brought your face closer to mines... hardly without realizing it," he said as he carried his hand to your jawline. He peered down at your lips before peering down at your eyes at that point back to your lips. At that point, he gradually carried his lips nearer to yours before he halted and giggled. 

He set his hands before your face prior to controlling you through the dim corridors, candles momentarily hit your face as it abruptly went dull once more. The sound of the entryway opening could be heard before you and you pushed ahead.

"I've been around the castle quite a few times in my nine months of working here. I think this is a good spot," Eren muttered. Eren moved his hands and you glanced around in stunningness. It was a dance hall. You had never heard a lot of it, truth be told, this was your first time seeing it. You tired your head as you checked out advancing into the center of the room. A Chandlér told wide and eight above you. "May I have this dance?"

Eren said as he lifted out his hand. You gestured before giving him your hand he pulled you close. Eren expanded both of your arms. You ventured aside and Eren took cues from you. The weak tunes of music filled your ears as you kept an eye to eye connection with Eren.

"We could get caught together you said quietly as you placed your head on his chest, as your feet continued to move to the beat. "I know- It's quite selfish... no rather risky of me to ask you here," he said. "Though I do not regret it," he said, his chin still remaining on your head. "Hm. I don't either," You looked up at his eyes beige his lips. "Please..."  "Please what?" He said as he looked at you.

"Please... Kiss me this time..." You said looking to the side. "Is that what you want?" He said tilting his head looking toward you.  "Yes ... Yes, it is," You said turning upward. He brought his lips close to yours before interfacing them.

You both quit moving and he folded his hands over your midriff before pulling your bodies nearer. Eren pulled away when he heard an entryway shutting yet when he looked behind him he saw the entryway faintly shutting.

He stopped marginally confounded yet thought down at you and shaking his head. "I'm not going mental am I?" Eren said. You shook your head and tuned your head before looking past him yet the entryway was shut.

"I suppose I was too caught up in the moment to notice anything else," you said. "Oh... I suppose it was just me,"

It was only around two o'clock in the afternoon when you made your way back into the room

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It was only around two o'clock in the afternoon when you made your way back into the room. You were in your room looking into your mirror that was connected to your vanity when you heard your door open causing you to turn around.

𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗠𝗔𝗝𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗬 エレン (Eren) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now