Stanley uris-its only just begun:Part 2

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Later after Y/n had relaxed, Stan left making Y/n promise to hang out soon.

Y/n was drying her face in her mirror since she had been crying.

Her throat suddenly tightened She coughed a put a hand to her throat scrunching up her face is pain

She darted towards her bathroom still trying to cough the unknown substance out of her throat, she gripped the sides of her sink leaning over it.

Eventually she coughed the object up, gasping for air she looked in the sink to see what had been in her throat.

A Deflated Red Balloon.

Y/n stared at it, still gasping, she backed up running into the wall behind her.

The balloon then expanded to fill the sink, The girl still watching it

Once it started overflowing out of the sink it popped, Y/n flinched from the noise.

After a few seconds, Y/n moved from the wall stepping towards the sink. when she looked down where, the now shredded, balloon sat she saw a shiny but simple wedding band.

"Dad?" She whispered to herself recognizing the ring as her fathers wedding band

"Oh," She said concerned, hoping that her father was alright

"Oh" a voice crackled behind her

Y/n froze then slowly turned spotting the clown.

"" she pleaded, backing out of the bathroom running back to her room

The clown chased after her still laughing

"Hi-ya Y/n, miss me" the clown taunted backing her into the wall furthest from the door

"No.....please" she cried

"Aww, so sad.....anyways" IT grabbed her throat pulling her up to its head "Time to float"
"Y/n, I'm home" her mother called out

After a few second she called out again

"Y/n? You up there?" She assumed Stanley had left since his bike was gone from the yard

She walked up the steps cautiously

"Y/n.....come on......don't scare me now." Her face scrunched up worried, She looked around "it's not funny, Y/n"

She walked into the girls room, gasping once she entered.

The room seemed untouched, but that wasn't the problem. It was the walls that were.

'We all float down'll float afraid' was written on the walls in what looked like blood.

Y/n's mother ran out of the room and down the stairs and through the front door making it outside before falling on the sidewalk sobbing.

"My baby.......Y/ little girl" she mumbled, still crying

This soon grabbed neighbor's attention, who went to comfort the mourning lady and call the police

The girl was soon marked as missing. Her mother distraught, called Stanley's parents to make sure he had made it home, since he was the last to see her.
There was a knock at the Uris residence and the youngest Uris went to answer it. He opened the door to see the losers minus the girls with mornful looks on their faces

"Hi?" Stan said unsure of why they were there

"It g-got Beverly" Bill said

"Wha-" Stan was cut off by his mother, who looked like she was on the verge of crying

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