Richie tozier-Bracelets

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"Come on, just let me see what it is!" Richie exclaimed, reaching for the unknown item in Y/n's hands.

"No just be patient for once!" Y/n responded blocking Richie's view from her hands.

"It's been hours!" Richie groaned, flopping dramatically onto the floor of Y/n's room.

"It's only been one."

"It's been at least three!"

"No it hasn't, why don't you read one of my comic books?" Y/n said continuing to work without looking up at Richie.

"I already did!" Richie waved the thin paper book near Y/n.

"Read another."

Richie loudly grumbled, but complied and dragged himself over the Y/n shelf to dig through her comics.

Richie picked a new comic and began reading, after a few minutes he began sighing loudly attempting to get Y/n's attention.

"Yes Richie?"

"I'm bored."

"That's nice." Y/n replied sarcastically still not looking up.

"I'm a guest in your house aren't you supposed to keep your visitors uh...unbored?"

"I think the word your looking for is 'entertained' Rich, but if your so bored of the comics why don't you pick a book book and not a comic book." Y/n said finally glancing Richie's way to see his face of disgust.

"Ew, no."

Y/n sighed, but kept working.

"I'm almost done, Rich." Y/n spoke after a few more minutes of working.

"Finally, can I see now?" Richie said laying the comic he was reading down on the ground and attempting to see what Y/n was working on.

"No! I said almost not done." Y/n said shoving his head away.

"I should leave and come back tomorrow, maybe you'll be done then." Richie complained.

"I am not taking that long! If you would just let me—there done!"

Y/n turned towards Richie hiding her creation from him.

"Great, let me see." Richie said scooting closer to Y/n.

"It's a gift, for you." Y/n smiled.

"For me?" Richie sat up focusing his full attention on Y/n.

"Here." Y/n said opening her hand showing Richie the gift.

"A bracelet?" Richie asked taking the beaded bracelet from her hand.

"You don't have to wear it." Y/n mumbled reaching to take the bracelet back.

"No its mine!" Richie said yanking his hand back, like a toddler with a toy.

"Thank you." Richie whispered slipping the bracelet onto his wrist.

"You're welcome." Y/n whispered back.
My first original imagine since restarting the book!

I think I'm gonna make this a two parter, stay tuned for that.

Also very estactic for my new books, I made the cover for one and I think it looks pretty good for something I made myself. (:

Word count:407

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