Richie tozier-Spin the bottle

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Y/n was standing in Bills kitchen, the gang had decided that they wanted to have a sleepover and Bills house seemed most reasonable, Y/n had snuck off to the kitchen escaping the loud screams of Eddie and Richie.

Beverly walked in, looking for Y/n.

"There you are," she sighed in relief walking to Y/n and grabbing her shoulders "I need a favor."

"What is it?" Y/n grimaced already not liking the sound of it.

"The boys wanna play spin the bottle."

"How dose that involve me?"

"I'm not gonna be the only girl there." Beverly looked at her shocked "No way am I kissing them all."

"I don't wanna kiss them." Y/n stated aggressively shaking her head, digging in Bills cookie jar.

"Come on please! I'll owe you."

"Fine." Y/n sighed giving in and walking out of the kitchen with the cookies in her hand.

"Great." Beverly followed after her.

In the living room the boys where sitting down in a circle seemingly waiting for Beverly.

"Hello." Y/n said looking for a spot to sit.

"Ohhh, Beverly got Y/n." Richie said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Beep b-beep, Richie." Bill sighed taking one of the cookies from her hand.

Y/n smacked Bills head pulling the cookies out of his reach.

Y/n ended up sitting beside Mike and Ben, with Beverly next to Richie and Eddie.

"Alright let's get this over with." Y/n said finishing her cookie.

"Who's first?" Eddie asked not wanting to be in the circle either.

Everyone looked around not wanting be first

"It was Richies idea he should go first." Stan pointed at him.

"How is that fair?" Richie complained.

"Sounds fair to me." mike said nodding.

The other losers agreed, Richie glumly grabbed the bottle setting it sideways and spinning it, it stopped in front of Y/n.

Y/n eyes widened not expecting to have to actually kiss someone so soon.

"Uh..." she stated staring at the bottle.

"Welp, gotta kiss me it's the rules." Richie said, smirking at her.

Y/n mumbled a complaint before looking at him, quickly leaning forward to kiss him before pulling away.

"Come on, that was barely a peck." Richie complained.

"You never specified how long the kiss had to be." Y/n said motioning for someone else to go.

"You never specified how long the kiss had to be." Richie said mocking her.

"Richie stop it." she stated leaning over to wack him.

"Someone else go." Richie said pushing Y/n away.

After a couple more rounds, it was Y/n's turn.

"Your turn." Ben said handing her the bottle.

Y/n grabbed the bottle feeling slightly nervous before spinning it, the bottle spun across the whole circle before stopping on Bill.

Y/n looked at Bill nervously, him doing the same.

"Well don't just stare, kiss." Stan said pushing Bills back.

Bill smacked Stanley's hand away before moving closer to Y/n.

The two leaned in kissing not much longer than her and Richie.

"Okay, I'm bored." Richie said getting up and heading to the kitchen.

After that round they called it quits and moved on with their night.

Soon they were laying down on the floor of the living room in sleeping bags or on blankets. Most of the losers had gone to sleep but Y/n not being able to sleep got up heading towards the kitchen.

She jumped as she entered seeing another person in there not being able to tell who it was she moved closer.

"Rich?" She whispered.

"Y/n?" He turned whispering back.

"What are you doing in here?"

"What are you doing in here"

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second."

"Your just being annoying."

"Am not." Richie defended.

"You are too, I'm not fighting about this in Bills kitchen." she whispered-yelled and headed towards the fridge to get water.

"So, how'd you enjoy your and Bills kiss?" Richie asked leaning against the counter.

"It was fine," she turned towards him "why?"

"Just wondering." he shrugged nonchalantly

"Your being weird, are you ok?"

"Yeah," he scoffed "just making sure I was a better kisser than Billam."

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes heading for the door back to the living room

"Am I?"

"Are you what?" She stopped walking and turned towards him.

"A better kisser?"

"I don't know," she took a step forward "I guess."

"You guess?"

"I wasn't really paying attention." she shrugged.

She heard shuffling and soon felt Richie standing in front of her, he paused making Y/n nervous.

"Can I kiss you?" He spoke softly.

Y/n only nodded, shocked by his question.

Richie leaned down kissing her.

"Oh, wow uhh....yeah, you're a better kisser." Y/n said dazed when they pulled away.

Have a good day or night! ❤️

Word count: 797
Edited:8/1/21 (In honor of my wifi actually working for once)

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