Stanley uris-Lee:Part 2

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"I did horrible on that test!" Stan said worrying

"Don't worry Lee I'm sure it'll be fine, just relax" Y/n said trying to calm the boy

It had been about a week since the night on the roof and the nickname 'Lee' had just become apart of the girls vocabulary, but this was the first time the other boys had heard it as they were walking down the school hallway.

"Yeah Lee don't worry" Richie said grabbing his shoulder

"Don't call me Lee" Stan rolled his eyes, pushing Richie's arm off his

"Why? She gets too" Richie pointed at Y/n

"That's because she's Y/n" Stan said not noticing the light blush on her face

"So just because you have some crush on her she gets the special nickname" Richie complained

"Shut up, I do not" Stan gritted

Y/n's face dropped and she looked towards her feet continuing to walk beside them, but again Stan didn't notice this.

"Then how come she gets to call you Lee?" Richie pressed trying to prove he was right

"Because.....because she made it" Stan stuttered

"So? She wouldn't mind if others called you that, right Y/n?" Richie looked over at the girl

Y/n looked up from her feet spotting the curious faces of Richie and the other boys, who had stayed silent through the conversation not wanting to lengthen the argument.

"Oh, um...I don't mind" she whispered, glancing around the group.

"See! We can call you Lee" Richie smacked Stans shoulder

"No, she only said that because your making her nervous! She hesitated!" Stan exclaimed not wanting the boys to call him that.

"So did you when we asked why only she gets to call you Lee" Richie retorted

"Wait a minute there is no we it was just you" Eddie butted in pointing at Richie

"Oh come on, agree with me!" Richie turned towards Eddie

Bill and Eddie both shook their heads no, Richie mumbled a complaint before speaking

"Fine when I asked" he corrected himself

"Because I don't you calling me that alright?" Stan grumbled tired of the conversation

"Whatever" Richie sighed also tired of the conversation

Soon the losers went their own ways home and it was just Stan and Y/n left since they were headed in the same direction.

"Why don't you want them to call you Lee?" Y/n asked wanting to make sure he didn't hate the nickname

"Because it's yours" he said telling part of the truth

"It's fine I don't mind"

"We both know that's a lie"

"Why else don't you want them to call you Lee?" She pause looking over at him "there has to be more that 'it's yours'"

Stan sighed stopping on the sidewalk turning towards her

"Because I like you and I only want to hear you call me Lee" Stan rushed out nervously

Y/n's eyes widened and Stan took this as rejection and sighed again looking at his feet

"I'm sorry I didn't-" he began

Y/n pulled his neck bringing their lips together.

They kissed for a minute before pulling away

"I like you too, Lee" she grinned

Have a good day or night!!!! ❤️

Word count: 515
Posted: 4/13/21
Edited: 7/2/21 (YEAH Y/N GET YOUR MAN......I am deeply sorry)

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