Richie tozier-That boy

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"I don't think that's gonna work." the voice of Y/n said crossing her arms.

"It will sweet cheeks just watch and learn." Richie winked at her turning back towards the arcade game.

A few minutes later a message appeared across the screen 'GAME OVER'

"What a piece of sh*t!" Richie scoffed hitting the machine.

"Told you it wouldn't work." Y/n said with a amused grin.

"I'd like to see you do better." Richie challenged.

"Ok, move." Y/n shoved him out of the way, entering her money into the machine.

Richie leaned against the machine smirking watching her play, the longer she played the more his face dropped.

"What are you cheating or something?" Richie said trying to hide his shock.

"What surprised I'm better than you?" she glanced at Richie "shouldn't be."

Richie rolled his eyes, after playing for another minute the screen once again flashed the 'GAME OVER'

"Ha told you I was better than you." Richie cheered.

"You sure about that, trashmouth?" She pointed towards the screen.

Richie looked at the screen seeing in fact she had beat his score.

" its rigged." Richie grabbed the side of the machine.

"Face it I'm better than you." Y/n smirked.

Richie scoffed shaking his head denying it.

"So wanna buy the winner a slushee?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"I never agreed to that." Richie said scrunching up his face.

"Please?" Y/n said giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

"You manipulative b*tch." Richie muttered walking over towards the food stand.

Y/n giggled following him, Richie order her a slushee getting one for himself too.

They started walking towards a table before a voice stopped them.

"Y/n?" The voice called out.

Both teens turned seeing some random boy, Y/n recognized him from school but didnt know his name, nor did she care.

Richie screwed up his face wondering why this boy was talking to Y/n.

"Yes?" Y/n responded also curious to why the boy was talking to them.

"Eli, from school." he said pointing to himself

"Oh, yeah." Y/n said acting like she recognized him.

Richie then grabbed her hip pulling her towards him so that her back was against his chest, Y/n leaned back resting her head on his chest

"Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out?" Eli said not getting the hint.

"Uhh......I don't know." Y/n said hesitating "I'm very busy this summer y'know?"

"Yeah, yeah I get it maybe some other time," he paused "actually the 4th of July parade will be here soon so if you wanted we could go there?"

"Umm..." Y/n paused trying to figure out how to end the conversation "well...I-"

"Do you not like the 4th of July?" He said seeing her hesitation "we could totally ditch and go somewhere else."

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