Chapter 6: Herman the handyman

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Aaliyah out of breath sat on the ground by the dirty pond that she just filled her body with. Aaliya sighed softly as she stood looking around for shelter as she looked to the sky to see storm clouds and her body could feel it stirring above her belly churned as she hasn't eaten in days and the storm made her belly rumble with hunger she sighed and extended her arm creating a ice hut her body shivered at the touch of it but as soon as she entered the rain poured down sounding like ice shards against the ice hut.

 Aaliya stared at the down pour with fear struck in her eyes as she saw a lion pride travel by growling and bellowing as the sounds of them made her drift into a deep sleep against the dry floor which her hut gave her. Aaliya woke up in a puddle of water which she shrieked as she realized it was the hut she made for herself. She instantly swooped her hand over it and it evaporated into the dirt. 

Aaliya smiled softly at the blistering sun above and the birds screeched across the sky but the soft moment was short lived as she realized she was still in the wild, alone, without food, or shelter and without water. Aaliya grabbed the stick lying nearest to her and stared at the edge with wonder seeing how it was sharp "food. Food." she murmured to herself as she saw a stone close by so she grabbed it quickly and sharpened the sticks edge to a pointed tip. Aaliya shoved the pointed edge into the ground and then looked around, she saw a long fern as she smirked and grabbed it attaching it to that stick and another and then hid quickly in the nearest bush.

 Aaliyas eyes widened as she clutched a stone attached to a stick with hunger in her eyes as a gazelle lazily strolled up and as soon as aaliya heard a thump she jumped out of the bush and pinned the gazelle that screeched and tried to get free but between aaliyah's strength and hunger it was impossible. Aaliya lowered the stone and plunged it into the gazelles main artery and then looked to it eyes and bowed her head, "Thank you beautiful friend for this meal, Rus maklik ou maat." she spoke softly and smiled as she then stopped when she felt the life drain from the creature. 

------Five Hours Later-------

Aaliyah's belly was now full but thirst agged at her but she pushed it down as she looked around for a puddle of any kind, dirty or clean. 

Aaliyah giggled when she saw a dirty puddle near her so she ran over and slurped the water roughly but the tangy taste made her feel disgusting. Aaliyah frowned at the thought of the journey ahead but was startled when she heard footsteps, on edge she started running as fast as she can but when she heard a yell she stopped and turned seeing a small white boy with scruffy brown hair and eyes the color of the dirt she walked on and for a second fear contained her body but for some reason it's like she was captivated the weird white boy walked towards her as he held up his hands slowly "Hey, Hey easy there hunny," Aaliyah flinched when he came nearer and held up her hands "no no! No stick!" she yelled but then realized he was empty handed she stared at him in wonder as a small smile appeared on his face "It's ok, I'm Herman. And you must be that pretty little gal' that slipped away from the army huh?" He spoke with a soft but deep voice as his voice just made her belly churn in a way she never realized it could. 

Aaliyah put on her most brave face and looked at him calmly "Maybe, Maybe not, what do you know? H-e-r-m-a-n." She said this with a little hostility because she didn't know if she should trust him. Herman smiled softly and shoved his hands in his pockets "Well, i know that the stupid army attcked your village for no reason and killed alot of people. Oh and i know that there's a girl they are looking for because she's a "witch" which i believe is you." He said this with such calmness it scared Aaliyah so she spoke up "w-well yes that's me- but aren't you going to try to hurt me or kill me? Or capture me?" Herman laughed and then a thoughtful look came across his face "Of course not Doll. Your to perfect for that." Aaliyahs face darkened a shade of red as she folded her lanky arms "Well then, where do you live? How did you find me? Actually better yet why are even here?!" Herman stared at her and then dropped his head "Well i live on a ranch not far from here and we help stragglers like you." 

Aaliyah looked up quickly "Straggler like me? What does that mean? And who are we?" she spoke sharply as her eyes bolted around. Herman smiled weakly and looked at her taking in all her features and voice before he spoke again "Well honey, we take people like you, which means the men and women whose villages get wrecked or just survive out here. And then we is me and my buddies back at the ranch we have a system called W.S.P which means-" Aaliyah interrupted him "you take me there? There water and foods there's?" Herman smiled and nodded holding out his hand "C'mon love, let me take you somewhere you will thrive." Aaliyah still timid edged forward but eventually slipped her hand into his and instantly felt weak at the knees which herman noticed and he smirked showing his dimples as aaliyah blushed insanely as their journey to the ranch began. 

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