Chapter Seven

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Amarah closed the door to her loft and leaned agaisnt it dreamily. Cristian had just dropped her off at the library and left. She had an amazing time. Cristian listened to everything she had to say. A little crush began to develop within her and she wondered if she was ready to allow a man back in to her heart. That night she went to bed peacefully.

A couple days passed and she didn't hear from Cristian. She found herself missing him. Then she found herself wondering if it was strange to miss someone she spent only one day with. "You're an adult Amarah. This is silly." She would tell herself. Then she would argue that, "23 years old isn't that much of an adult right?"

Finally after a week she saw Cristian again. He walked in to return his book to the library. He smiled as he greated her and was covered in saw dust. Amarah felt even sillier because she forgot that he was restoring a manor and that he may just be busy. "Hello Amarah, you look lovely today." Cristian told her. She blushed.

"I realized I forgot to give you my number the other night." He told her. He then asked for a pen and paper and wrote it down for her. "You can call me whenever you need someone to talk to." He said with a wink. "Thank you." Amarah said politely.

They talked for a few more seconds before Mr. Briggs intrupted them. "Hello Cristian! Hitting the gym I see." He exclaimed. Amarah hadn't noticed at first but Cristian did look like he had a litte more muscle. She wondered how he gained that much in one week.

The observation seemed to have made Cristian uncomfortable because he shuffled in his spot, thanked Briggs, then said goodbye to Amarah. "Must be lifting a lot heavy materiel." Briggs said to Amarah. "Must be." Amarah agreed.


*It was wrong to go and see her this close to a full moon* Cristian thought. But, he missed her and he could feel the wolf inside of him unhinged. He missed her too. The wolf imprinted on her. That means Cristian needed to ensure his wolf wouldn't get out of manor on the night of the full moon. His wolf could go and find her then who knows what will happen!

He had 3 days to prepare his lock down. He should have continued to distant himself from her until after the full moon. Cristian remember how Briggs noticed he was stronger. A week before the transformation Cristian was always stronger. Every one of his senses were enhanced. He could accidentally hurt Amarah without the wolf.


3 days past. Amarah hadn't seen Cristian again. She was beginning to feel bold and call him.

"Hello?" Cristian answered. He sounded different... agitated or on edge.

"Umm.. hi. It's Amarah." She answered back.

"Amarah! Is everything alright?" He asked. The agitation leaving his voice.

"Yes, I just wanted to check in on you and see if maybe you wanted to meet tonight." Said Amarah. She then thought she heard a dog whine on the other end of the line. "Did you get a dog?" She asked.

Cristian  sighed. "No. And I'm sorry Amarah but I can't hang out tonight. I have a lot to do her at the manor." Cristian told her. Which was true but, not the reason why he couldn't hang out.

"I understand." Amarah  said. They talked for a couple minutes more than said goodbye.

Amarah really wanted to see Cristian.  She decided that she would suprise him at the Sterling manor with some dinner. So when her shift ended Amarah went to the local cafe and waited on two meals.  She then gathered her meals and rode her bike to the manor. It was getting dark and stars started to pepper the sky as the moon rose.

Amarah knocked on the door to the manor. It slid slighty open as she knocked but no one was there. "Cristian?" She called out. No one answered. She thought that maybe he actually did go out tonight. After contemplating her options for a few seconds she decided to walk around and look for him. Its possible that he just didn't hear her in this big manor.

Cristian got a lot of work done to the manor. Alot of it was now cleaned and as she walked to the kitchen she could see a lot of walls plastered and repaired. She passed the Kitchen and made her way to the bedroom hall. "Cristian?" She called out.

Finally she heard an answer. "Ah...mar... ah..." Cristian said her name from one of the bedrooms. He sounded wounded and in pain. Amarah hurried to the room his voice came from. She found Cristian on the floor, writhing in pain. His ankle was chained tightly the bed post. Amarah gasped.

"Cristian what happened!?" She asked. "Leave...." He answered. He clenched he jaw and gasped in pain. "No Cristian I'm going to help you!" She reached out to touch him but he rolled out of her touch. "Please.... leave..." He told her again. Amarah started to feel angry and hurt. "No!" She shouted at him. "Let me help you."

Suddenly Cristian snapped his head back and howled in pain. His human cries began to turn into an animal growl. "LEAVE." He growled. But, Amarah still refused. She was frozen in place by fear. Cristians body began to contort. His face began to change and his muscle expanded as his clothes ripped off. Amarah backed up against a wall away from him. All she could was watch in horror. Christiana skin began to turn into fur and his bones snapped and contorted. Amarah finally couldn't watch anymore. She covered her eyes and screamed.

When it was over a wolf that was larger than Amarah remained in Cristians place. Amarah began to cry. She didn't understand what was going on at all. Then she remembered the acient book. The book that she thought was a fairy tale! She realized now it wasn't a fairy tale and feared that tonight would be the night she died.

Through her tears and gasps of shock Amarah started to hear a whimper. She peaked through her hands and saw the wolf laying down. He had his paws covering his face and whimpered. Amarah wiped her face and studied the wolf. As she settled down he did too. "Crisitain?" She called to the wolf. The wolf climbed up on all fours and towered over her. Amarah threw her hands up to protect herself. The wolf whimpered then laid back down.

Amarah then realized it wasn't going to hurt her. She slowly approached the wolf with a hand held out. The wolf let out a growl for warning and Amarah stopped. He doesn't want her close to him. So Amarah back up to the wall again and sat down. She watched the wolf and the wolf watched her.

Hours rolled by and she began to grow sleepy. The wolf hadn't moved a inch since she watched it so she felt safe. She laid down in the spot she was sitting and curled up. She continued to watch the wolf till her eyes grew too heavy to keep open.

The wolf watched its desired mate. Its scooted as close to her as the chain would let him. If he didn't want to wake her he would have broke the chain just to curl up next to her.

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