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So what do you plan to do about it now? Ruby's heart beat rapidly. Her relationship with Fred had grown to the stage that he was willing to tell her about all that was going on in his life. It still seemed unbelievable to her that she had met someone like him through the internet and despite their numerous voice calls, they had not met each other in real life.

I don't know. His voice was faint at the end. Some rustling at the other side of the phone. I told him that if he didn't trust anybody here to handle the project for him, he should come down himself and oversee it. I can't work with someone that cannot trust me.

The person in question was Fred's cousin who stayed in Holland. He wanted to build a house in the village but couldn't trust anyone to handle the project. One couldn't blame him. He had been duped by his elder brother for the same cause. He had sent money to him for the purchase of land and the materials to start the foundation. It had taken more than a year of false promises and avoidances before he understood what was going on. It turned out that his brother had 'borrowed' the money in hopes to return it when his business gained enough profit. Now, Fred was one of the few people he was willing to talk to about the construction of the house.

If he doesn't trust anyone, he can come back time to time to know how it is progressing. Or isn't there someone else he can trust? Like a friend or something? I mean, this type of thing, this will not be the last time he would need something like this.

Fred groaned tiredly. Forget him. He would come to his senses soon. Enough about that. How was your presentation? I can hear the excitement in your voice, so I can guess that it went pretty well.

Ruby smiled goofily. Yes. It went really well. She proceeded to tell him how the presentation had gone, the nervousness that had prevented her from really enjoying the process. He responded in like manner, encouraging her with short words yet not interrupting.

They spoke for about an hour, with Ruby rolling from one side of the bed to the other, hugging her teddy bear to her chest, the goofy smile still on her face. He was about to end the call when she called his name tentatively. Fred.

Yes, hun. As always, his voice when he called the pet-name was soft.

So I was wondering, she continued cautiously. We've known each other for a while now. Don't you think it's time we meet each other? Like face-to-face. Hmm, I mean, we're both in Lagos and she trailed off when she could only hear silence from the other side of the phone. Hello, Fred. Are you-

Yes, yes. I'm here. He gave a sound that seemed like a forced laugh.

You don't want to meet up? Her disappointment was carried over the static waves of their phone connection.

No, no, no. That's not what I mean. It's just that I've been really enjoying the conversation and everything with you. I don't know how it will turn out if we meet up. Will it change the way things are between us?

Definitely, Ruby thought. She had tried a number of times to initiate an intimate topic with him. But it had always ended up with him smoothly changing the topic. The words that came out of her mouth were different though.

Of course not. We will still remain the way we are. Truthfully, I've not had this type of connection with anyone before. It was a small lie.

Me too, he replied enthusiastically. I really value this. I fear that if we meet, it will turn into one of these toxic relationships on the internet.

She laughed uneasily. So you don't want to meet up or what? We cannot just be dating on social media. Wait first, what are we exactly? Are we dating or what? Her relationship with Boye had taught her to always clarify things right at the onset to prevent getting hurt in the end.

Well he trailed off.

They remained silent for a while, each buried in their thoughts.

Why don't we clarify that when we meet? It's the better option I guess. Ruby was the first to break the silence.


The reply annoyed her. Oh? Oh, what?

I just meant that it is a good idea. When do you want to meet up then?

Ruby exhaled a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Her voice was light when she said, This weekend is great, don't you think? We can meet on Friday and see how things would go from there. She hoped he understood the undertones of her words.

Friday...Friday, hmm. He sounded as though he was looking through something. Yea. Friday is good for me. Where and what time? Evening, right?

Evening. She nodded. I'm not sure about the venue yet. I will check out some places.

Somewhere in Ikeja would be good for both of us. You stay in Maryland, right? Don't worry. I know some good places there. I will check out the places and send them to you. You can make your choice.

Wow. She smiled sheepishly. Alright, thats okay.

She started thinking of which cloth she would wear to the date. She had to dress to suit the place they were going to.

By the way, do you have any preferences or any particular type of restaurant in mind? Like a foreign one or what?

No, I dont have any. You can pick the venue yourself. I dont really mind.

I would send some places to you. You just make your decision based on which would be more convenient for you, we can make the reservation before Friday.

Yes! Yes! Yes! She squealed when the call ended. She stood up on the bed and jumped around crazily, ignoring the little snick of pain on her ankle.

Her search had not been in vain. She was on her way to a serious, real relationship with a man who appreciated more than her skills in bed. It was still three days to Friday but she went to her wardrobe and started searching through it. After some minutes of taking out clothes and bringing them to her length in front of the mirror, she decided she would go shopping the next day. The contents of her wardrobe didn't include a dress that was suitable for a date, what more a first date that may land her a much-needed boyfriend.

And while at that- she eyed herself in the mirror, from her hair already worn out and untidy to the light protruding on her mid-region and then her rough toenails with tiny bits of nail polish shed forgotten to clean up. I'll include a trip to the hair salon and resume my sit-ups.

Her rough physical experience didn't tame the excitement in her. She swirled to the bed and picked up her phone. Opening her chats with Fred she typed.

Goodnight sweetie(A kiss emoji). I look forward to seeing you.

As do I. Sleep tight babe. I certainly expect a visit from my angel to my dreams. The reply made her heart melt.

Ruby slept with a grin on her face and dreamt of the handsome fellow that took her to various foreign and exotic restaurants to taste dishes from all parts of the world. When she woke up the next morning, she was certain that they'd both had the same dream.

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