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Ruby's soles felt as though a pin had been buried into it. She cursed the blue shoes, shoes that she was only wearing for the first time. She wished she had listened to the shop owner that advised her to get a larger-sized pair, even though they were ugly compared to the pair currently on her feet. She was walking back home from the estate gate. She had taken a bike from the bus stop but bikes were not allowed in the estate, so she had to walk all the way home.

She was two houses away from her house when she saw a figure standing in front of the gate. Ruby frowned. Despite it being a rented property, that housed two other tenants aside from her and Ruby, and one of the cheapest housings in the area, the security was tight enough to not let any suspicious person into the compound.

As she drew closer, she recognized the figure and her breath caught. She could understand why he was standing like a homeless person in front of the gate. Rose had warned the security man to never let Boye into the house after they broke up, even when Ruby started sleeping with him, the rule didn't change. At first, Ruby despised the rule but thinking now, she appreciated it.

What are you doing here?

He had noticed her coming from afar and straightened up when she got to the gate but she didn't allow him to talk.

You blocked my number and I really wanted to talk to you. I came an hour ago but the security man didn't let me in. I thought you closed work at five?

Ruby sniggered. Talk? When I needed you to talk, why did your voice disappear? She seethed inside. I don't think we have anything to talk about. You've done all the talking. I listened. Why are you still here?

He scratched his scanty beards. Ruby cursed the times she had spent helping him purchase beard-growing ointments. Not like any of them worked. He was doomed to the scanty strands.

You didn't wait for me to say anything the other day. You just spoke and left my house.

Oh, you actually said a lot that day. Your expression, your attitude told me everything your lips would later deny. After seeing that look on your face, did you think I would wait for you to fill my head with your stupid assurances? You are the only constant in my life They're just temporary It's me and you forever." She shook her head in wonder. How did I ever believe all those things?

But it was true, it's really true. These past few days, I've missed you so much. I swear, I'm not lying. Look, I've come here more than three times. Did Rose tell you? I met her once and she warned me not to come here. I knew you would not say something like that. He sighed putting on a pitiful expression. Is it what she said? You know how things ended between me and her. She just wants to-

Better stop there. Ruby's voice was stern. I should have learned from her lesson. I just had to go and experience it myself. You are a leech, you know that right? The funny thing is that youre not a money leech, that would have been better to deal with. Emotionally, mentally, physically, you just want to be the only one huh?

What are you saying? I loved her that time. I just wanted her to spend more time with me. He fisted his hands to stress his point.

So that she would abandon her job and join an unstable man that depends on scamming people to make his money? She shouted. Finally, she said those words. Words that she'd always withheld whenever they got into an argument about him finding something else to do. Words that even she and Rose tiptoed around.

It's still money, isn't it? Is it my fault that there is no job in the country. It's what I can do. He threw back. I just knew it was because of money. The man Rose said you are dating, he is rich ehn? He has money too? Are you sure it's not this type of work he is doing too?

You are very mad, very stupid. Because you make chicken-change from that rubbish you are doing doesn't mean every other man is like you. People also work hard for money, you know right? How far does the money even carry you? Today you have, tomorrow you are broke like a rat. And what? The circle continues. Yes, if not for anything else, what you do is enough for me to leave you? To fucking dump you even though we are not dating-

She was interrupted by the sound of a car pulling up in front of the gate. She kept quiet to wait for the person to pass before she continued on her rant.

What is he doing here? Rose's voice was hard.

Of course, it had to be her, Ruby suddenly felt pity for Boye. Hey, you're back?

Rose came up beside her and rubbed her arms, questioningly. I just had that feeling that one rat will spoil my day, I was trying to ignore it. Now, look what decided to drop by? She enunciated the words. Oga, she gave Boye a shriveling look, you miss road?

Boye looked at her. He looked like he had so much to say, but could only keep his mouth shut. Rose had always been the bolder of the R-Square as he jokingly called the both of them before. Ruby always felt that he was a little scared of Rose even though he didn't admit it. It was one of the reasons she'd never felt that the two of them would date each other. Rose? He ended up saying, or rather asking.

No, it's Hibiscus. Why are you here biko? What did I tell you the other day eh? You have finished doing what you want with her, won't you allow her to rest? Abi you want to keep dragging her into your impoverished life?

Rose, Ruby pulled at her hand. Her words were too harsh.

Ehn-ehn, She brushed Ruby's hand away. Don't Rose me now. If he doesn't want to hear anything worse from my mouth now, he should just leave this place right now. What kind of pest is this one na?

Ruby sighed. While she didn't even have an atom of likeness towards Boye, she was not too antagonistic towards him. She looked at him. Just go, Boye. Go and leave me alone. I don't want to see you around. For the sake of the friendship, we had before, just allow me to be in peace.

But he trailed off when he caught Rose's glare. Okay. He turned and walked away.

The two friends watched as he walked further from them and their lives.

Are you sure you're over it? Including the sex with him? Rose's voice had warmed to its usual tone.

Ruby smiled. Maybe I wasn't before. I mean, I always wanted some form of closure. Say the things I never got to say and just let him know what I truly think, not what I tell him to assuage his ego.

So you told him everything? Rose's eyes twinkled.

Well, not everything, but the ones that matter.

And his small-

Don't go there, Ruby feigned a stern look. It may be on the small side, but it knew how to work wonders. She rolled her eyes.

And she said she's over it. Rose laughed.

Biko, biko. Leave that one first. Let's go inside. I'm so hungry. Ruby pulled her and walked towards the gate. Ruby shook her head when she saw the security man standing by the gate. He must have witnessed the whole drama.

Today is indomie night o. I don't have time to cook an extravagant meal.

At least it's nutritious indomie, Ruby put in impishly, looking forward to a well-garnished plate of noodles with fried plantains.

Abi o, Rose agreed.

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