In the dead of night

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Ezra turned and shifted in his bed not being able to get used to the comfortness of the warmth. His roommate's snores and funny smell seemed like such a small price to pay for this room. He might had put on a little scene about sharing a room with Zeb but, truth be told he would even accept to sleep on the couch if he had to. He just couldn't wrap his head around what happened today. Those people he just met gave him a roof over his head, food and a warm bed and all that without asking much in return.

He still couldn't believe it. A part of him was telling him that it was too good to be true. That sooner or later they would ask some sort of payment. Something in return. And he had nothing to give even if he wanted to. Or worst, he feared that they would throw him out, dump him off to another planet. Lothal was his home and he didn't mind being left here but, they didn't seem like people who stayed in one place for a long time. The last thing he needed was to be left alone in a place he had never been to before.

He tried not to think about it, instead he thought about the other thing keeping him away tonight. The Jedi. He had heard the rumors but...he never actually thought...and in Lothal from all places! And he, was he really what the Jedi said he was? Could he really...use the force thing. After returning the light saber they made the arrangements of where he would sleep, they had dinner and carried on like nothing happened. No one mentioned it, no one talked about it. What was he supposed to make out of it?

Everytime he was looking at the mirror he saw the bruises and the scars. Under those he saw the dried blood on his skin and his bones poking out. And under all those, under the pain and hunger and suffering, he saw the little boy crying for his parents. Nothing in the whole. Just another orphan on the streets but now, he had a chance to change things. Being a Jedi was his chance to be someone. He wouldn't be weak anymore. He wouldn't be ignored. For the first time in his life he would have the power to decide, to make a difference. He would not be powerless, ever again. He couldn't afford to loose this chance. He-

A hissing sound echoed through the ship. Someone opened their door. Footsteps were making their way to his room and stopped right outside the door. He didn't hear the code being dialed but the door opened, more quietly than it should. He turned towards the door to see Kanan standing just outside the room. He motioned for him to follow him. Ezra was at a loss. Was he in trouble? He blood ran cold and his body felt numb as he slowly and quietly climbed off the bed. He followed Kanan in silence practicaly hearing his heart bagging on his chest. Did he do something wrong? What was going on? Did Kanan decide he didn't work the time? Ezra, having memorized the ship realized they were heading for the ramp, his heart felt heavier with each step. When they finally reached the ramp Kanan stopped and so did Ezra

'Okay, that's it. You knew he wasn't happy with you staying here. He probably just doesn't want another mouth to feed. You knew this was a possibility. Just be calm and-

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Ezra was at a loss of words. What? What was he talking about?

"I grew up on Coruscant, not many fields and definitely not so many stars. The city lights were always hiding them. And after... I just never really gave any attention to those things. Traveling from one system to the other, finding odd jobs here and there. I never really took any time to stop and appreciate it. It's different now"

Ezra didn't understand what was happening. Was he going to kick him out or not? What was he trying to do? Kanan looked at Ezra for a long time. He seemed so confused, so desperate to understand the meaning behind his words.

"I'm sorry of I'm not making any sense" he continued "I didn't mean to scare you. I guess I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You went through a lot today because of us. And bringing you out here in the middle of the night is kind of my way to say: Welcome aboard kid" Kanan placed a hand on his shoulder giving it a little squeeze.

Ezra was looking at the field now. They weren't abandoning him. He was safe. They were not like the other people he had met on the streets of Lothal. Kanan was not like the people he knew. He almost he cared. Ezra shook that though away. It's only been a day and he knew nothing about this guy, or about any of them. For all he knew they would leave him behind, like everyone else. Like any other person who tried to 'help' him. He knew better than letting his guard down so easily. But, something was different, something was changing. Slowly but steadily he could feel every muscle on his body calm. Something warm wrapped around his body and his brain as his breathing deepened. He looked at Kanan kind of terrified only to see him with eyes closed and his arm slightly stretched. He quickly realized that Kanan was causing whatever was happening to him.

"S-stop!" Ezra pleaded sounding way more scared than he wanted to let on. Kanan must have realized how terrified he was because he stopped.

"Sorry...I...Look, the reason I brought you here was....I sensed you were awake and *sigh* look I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Believe it or not I know how it feels like. Being alone, not trusting anyone for such a long time and suddenly have to trust your life in the hands of people you don't know. I understand it might be hard for you. I just want you to know that I'm here if you ever feel that it's becoming too much. If you feel uneasy or trapped. If you want to talk. Whatever the case might be, I'll be there." Kanan looked at Ezra hoping for some reaction. Ezra had his back turned on him and he was tightly hugging him self. Kanan sighed once more. He really freaked him out. Seems like the night excursion did more damage than good.

"I-I'll leave you alone. Goodnight kid" Kanan said and started walking back to his room.

"You were right" Ezra said stopping Kanan on his trucks. Kanan turned around and looked at him.

"About what?"

Ezra turned to him and smiled.

"It's really nice out here"

Kanan chuckled and walked up to him so he could stand beside him.

"Yeah, I guess it really is"

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