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Warning! Extreme angst following on the text bellow.

"Sabine go!"

Ezra managed to yell before something snapped inside him. His grip on Hera tightened and he closed his eyes. He felt like a part of him was being ripped out. It took him a few moments to realize that it was the bond. His bond with Kanan. It was just...gone.

Hera's cries quieted down and he could hear nothing but a loud ringing on his ears. He was gone. Really gone. The fire swallowed him. He knew it. But, he didn't really realize it until now. He opened his eyes again but his mind felt blank. It was like he wasn't there. The wetness on his cheeks, Hera's cries and her death grip on his chest, he couldn't feel. He looked around without really seeing.

He felt so alone. It seemed so familiar. He was seven. They were on the living room. He couldn't recall what they were doing. He barely remembered much about that day. But what happened next would be forever stuck in his memory and come to live during his nightmare.

The door burst open and storm troopers came in. He didn't have time to react. He barely saw the blaster bolt that hit him. When he woke up the house was empty, and he was alone. His parents were just there, and then they weren't. They took them away from him. Just like they took Kanan.

Hera suddenly wiggled free from his arms. Ezra sighed at the sudden loss of body heat. Hera didn't seem to notice. The ship landed. He help Hera to her feet and walked her out of the ship.

"Hera I..."

She didn't turn around, she just kept walking forward. Ezra wanted to do nothing more but to disappear. Zeb grabbed him.

"Alright kid, what's going on?"

"Kanan's gone" Ezra said with all the little strength left on him.

"What do you mean gone. Like captured?"

"NO!!" Couldn't Zeb see? "He's gone"

Tears escaped Ezra's eyes. Zeb hugged him and Ezra broke down. He started sobbing harder than he had in a long time.

"Kanan" Ezra whimpered searching for the bond once more. But, there was nothing there.

"I know kid, I know" Zeb said. He but he didn't, he didn't understand. He didn't feel that cold, that nothingness inside. Everything was wrong. In just one second all was lost. All was hopeless and nothing mattered anymore.

Nothing mattered.

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