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Just some pure Sabezra moments.

Ezra sat on the ramp of the ship as he gazed at the sunset that would soon be followed by Lothal's twin moons. As the sun started to slowly dispapear behind the small mountains and the fields, its bright light faded into darker shapes, such as purple and dark blue. The stars would soon follow. He breathed in the fresh afternoon air.

It was a peaceful moment. Those kind of moments were getting fewer and fewer lately. And life kept getting harder fir the people of Lothal.

Everywhere Ezra turned, he saw stormtroopers. Every time they watched the holonet there would be sone new propaganda or a new accusation against them. No matter where they went or what they did they were always on the lookout. They barely had time to relax anymore.

So, this sunset, Ezra knew this was as good as it would get for now. And he could make his peace with that. He wished he could stay here forever. Just him, this view and the afternoon breeze.

But he knew he couldn't. "Don't grow too attached to life as it is now". Kanan had said in one of their lessons. Still, it was a nice thought.

There were light footsteps behind him but he didn't turn around. He didn't want to miss a second of this.

"Hi Sabine"

The girl sat down next to him.

"How did you know it was me?"

The boy smiled. "Well if you were Choper you would have zapped me by now. Zeb's footsteps make the entire ship shake, besides you can smell him before he even enters a room. Besides, Hera and Kanan went to Capital City for a 'shopping trip'"

Sabine chuckled.

"Yeah, going on a spontaneous supply ran during a sunset like that does sound a bit suspicious"

"What made it more obvious" Ezra said "Is that they left before telling us they would go to Capital City".

Sabine nodded. "They had to make sure we'd stay out of their business somehow"

Ezra laid back on the ramp as the sky got darker and darker and the first starts made their appearance. Ezra smiled.

"I don't blame them for wanting to take a walk today. I don't think I've ever seen a sunset as beautiful as this. And I've leaved here my entire life"

Sabine gazed at the horizon.
"It really is beautiful" she agreed. "I love the colours. Sometime I think whoever created the universe was an artist. It feels like every little thing in nature is a part of a huge drawing"

Ezra didn't say anything. Sabine shook her hair. Why did she say that to him? He wouldn't understand. As she was about to get up Ezra turned to look at her.

"I wish the universe was a painting. Then it would be constantly stable and beautiful. But it's not. Things move and change. Nothing stays, even if we want it to. Just like that sunset. It was beautiful, but it's gone now. It gave his place to the stars that are also beautiful but different. Sometimes everything is just so beautiful the way it is that specific moment that you wish it were a painting so it would stay like that forever. So when things change you will have that picture of how it used to be"

Sabine was speechless. She stared at Ezra with her mouth slightly open and her brows furrowed. She could not believe something so beautiful had just come out of the boy's mouth. That boy that always said so many stupid things and cold jokes that still made her laugh, not because they were funny, but because they were told by him.

Ezra glanced at her again and frowned.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just-what you said was really beautiful"

Ezra chuckled. "Nah, it was just some of the nonsense that goes on in my head. It's... It's stupid"

"It's not stupid" Sabine hurried to say.

Ezra straightened his back as he looked at her.

"Ezra, I-"

"Hey kids" Kanan's voice sounded from the distance. Soon enough, Hera and Kanan had reached to ramp.

"Well you two were out for quite sometime. Where are the supplies?" Ezra said mischievously.

"What supplies?" Hera questioned

"You know, the reason you two left the ship"

Kanan and Hera both looked at eachother in desperation.

"You know what guys, why don't we forget the supplies and go make dinner?" Kanan tried to change the subject.

"You know I'm going to bring this up every day during training from now on right?" Ezra told Kanan while the girls followed them.

Kanan chuckled and wrapped an arm around Ezra's shoulders.

"You're going to be the death of me, you know that?"

When Sabine came out of her room the next morning, with paint all over her hands, dark circles under her eyes and a piece of paper held securely in her pocket no one questioned it. It was something normal. Really common in fact.

Only Hera commented on it.

"I know how much you love drawing but remember, you-"

"Need sleep. Yeah, I know Hera. But this was really important"

And it was.

She walked down the ramp and sat down. A little further away Ezra and Kanan were talking. They seemed to have finished whatever they were doing and where just wrapping up. Sabine waited.

When they started walking towards the ship she made her way towards them so as to meet them at the half.

"You guys done?"

"Yep!" Ezra said happily.

"Where do you find all that energy?" Kanan asked ruffling his hair but sounding exhausted.

"You mind if I borrow Ezra for a second?"

Kanan shook his head and kept walking.
"He's all yours"

"Is everything alright?" Ezra asked.

"Yeah, I just... I couldn't really sleep last night"

She said reaching inside ger pocket and pulling out the folded piece of paper.

She passed it to Ezra who looked at it curiously.

As he unfolded it, he gasped. The sunset, just like it was yesterday. With every little detail.

"I thought you might want it. Something to have when it feels like thighs are changing too much"

Ezra folded the piece again and put it in his pocket.

"I'll never loose it" he simply said.

And he never did.

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