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Steve stands in his and his loves bedroom, gazing out the window into the dark night, slowly being lightened by the early morning sun. He leans against a wood pillar , arms crossed and his wings settled loosely behind his back, watching and listening for any threat and unwanted visitors as well as just enjoying the early morning air.

"Stevie?" A husky angelic voice breaks through the silence. Steve's head turns towards the source and smiles wide.His Tony.

Tony is awake in their bed, propped up on one elbow, his hair adorably mussy and wild. One of his wings is folded back as the other is slightly spread out laying on his side as all the feathers are mussied and need to be preened. The sliver of light breaking through the window reflects and makes Tony's eyes sparkle a beautiful gold and silver as he looks at at Steve tiredly and adoringly.

Steve straightens from his position and goes to his side of the bed and crawls in to lay beside tony before leaning and stealing a kiss. They separate after a moment and smile at one another. "Sleep well?" Steve asks, quietly and gently takes a hold of Tony's hand. Tony smiles and gently squeezes his love's hand back. "I did. You?" Steve nods his head and rubs a thumb over Tony's knuckles.

"Did something wake you?" Tony whispers, realizing Steve is up before him. He then bows his head, inlisting Steve to do the same, gently touching their foreheads together and closing their eyes. Steve takes a deep breath, relishing in hil loves gentle touches.

"I thought I heard something. . . . But I don't think it was a threat. Probably birds or something." Steve replies before they separate. Tony looks down at his wing, noticing Steve has been distractedly and gently preening his feathers with his fingers, running them through each feather and sorting them out, straight and organized.

Tony smiles and playfully swats steve's hand away. "Stop preening me me." Steve stops and looks at tony with a tired smile. "Someone's got to do it." Tony scoffs. "I just woke up." He defends, throwing a hand in the air. Steve let's out a chuckle before kissing Tony's cheek and getting out of bed.

"Come on, Love. Time to get up."


They set out of their fortress in the great oak tree, two stories above the forest floor, and take flight. The oragneish pink sun rise shines off of their wings in a bright gold and white sparkle.

They soar high, making loopty-loops and spinn in the sky before stopping high up, just for a moment. They smile, holding both of each other's hands and kiss, lovingly and softly, before gravity takes hold and they fall. They separate and swoop up before hitting the ground. The wind whooshes through their hair and wings. "Whoooo!" They both, simotainiously yell out, rushed by adrenaline and happiness.

"That was amazing." Tony exclaims, as they take a seat on the ledge of a cliff overlooking the beautiful lushes green forest.

"You say that everytime." Steve comments, sitting beside his love and gazing at him with love and adoration. "And it's true, everytime." Tony replies, smiling at Steve, and gently taking his hand in his.

Their ears perk and their heads turn when they hear what sounds like an animals cry. Tony mediately stands up, Steve fallowing suit and listens again. The sound acurs again, sounding more anguished than the last cry.

Tony looks over to his love, silently asking permission to check it out. Steve quickly nods his head and they take off towards the source of the cries.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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