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17th August

  Connie is what I saw on the calendar, that's all I could think about the entire day, it's all I can ever think about. I felt my head getting hot, I was panicking.
  Why did I have to get this job, I don't want it. If I could leave just for one day, that would be enough.
  I can't stand to see the innocent faces of all the children, until they reach the age that they are ready to get shipped off.
Why can't they just get sent to a family, like in the 'human world' with people like us.
  I will always remember this day, 16th of August, the last day to not feel like a murderer.
  I'm going to sacrifice a child.
Imagine, 10 years ago I was the child dreading all if this happening, but now I'm the one who sends them off.

"Connie are you excited for your shipment?" I hear from the distance, it was Emma.

"Oh, hi mom!" Emma smiled, it looked real, more real than mine ever will be.

"Hi Emma, did you make sure the 3 year olds have woken up?"

  "Yes, they are all outside." she answered, walking towards Connie giving her the biggest hug.

  Seeing that made it even harder to say goodbye forever. No, I can't I'm going to tell Emma about the secret of the farm. She deserves the know the truth, so she can finish what I started, I know she will, she has something that I never had.


Can you keep a secret? Isabella x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now