Free time events: Vicky and Vesta

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Vesta 1

Bryan: Vesta you've been to many countries right?

Vesta: that is why my talent is what it is

Bryan: well which places would you recommend?

Vesta: America, France, Belgium and Italy

Bryan: that was fast!

Vesta: you are not the first or last person to ask me that

Bryan: does it annoy you to be asked so much?

Vesta: yes, but that's a story for another day

I decided to leave the her for now and went off elsewhere

Vesta 2

Bryan: hey you've talked about how annoying the repetition is with asking for favourite countries

Vesta: yeah, its annoying how everyone asks, I don't want that as a part of me

Bryan: why is that?

Vesta: my ultimate shows just how much of each county's culture I have, I know so much about so many countries... and yet I am only asked which countries are best and not even why

Bryan: wow Vesta, I never knew

Vesta: no one ever gets close enough to

It seems Vesta has lived a very lonesome life.

Vesta 3

Bryan: you know Vesta, despite everything you've been very level-headed

Vesta: you think so?

Bryan: I mean I can't say for certain, but I definitely feel like you've been much calmer then others in this game

Vesta: I appreciate it, I suppose it's due to all the different things I've learned about some countries

Bryan: oh?

Vesta: all the conflicts in history, both world wars, French and American revolution, even simple things like how prisoners might be killed

Bryan: you consider that simple?

Vesta: compared to other things yes, it's a shame how many lives have been lost from conflicts. But I suppose sometimes they need to happen to inspire change

Bryan: that's definitely a positive way of looking at it, if conflict didn't happen some of us wouldn't be here

Vesta: yeah that's true

Vesta smiled, I had to admit it was nice to see positivity in a killing game like this

Vesta 4

Bryan: hey Vesta there's something I've always wanted to know

Vesta: there is? I can't say there is anything about me that isn't important

Bryan: well it's not exactly massive, but I wanted to know about your life before you were here

Vesta: oh I get it, I suppose the fact I am from such a different country does make my life interesting

I had to admit the curiosity was there for me

Bryan: so you are from Taiwan, what made you want to travel to so many countries?

Vesta: it was because I needed to become an ultimate

Bryan: huh? What do you mean?

Vesta: I was born into a fairly poor family, and when I heard of hope's peak and the guaranteed success, I knew I had to become an ultimate. So I went around different countries to get the perfect ultimate for me

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