f o u r

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Got a bit of a longer one today!

James shifted uncomfortably in his chair as the woman who was to be interviewing him sat and stared. 

"Alright James, let's start off with something simple. Tell us about your new single. I hear it's being recorded very soon." She finally began the interview.

"Yeah, we're recording next Thursday." James grinned, he was excited. "Is there anything you can tell us about that?" She asked smiling fakely. 

"Erm. Well it's quite special to me and uh... I think it's a cool song, it's quite different to the other kinds of things I sing so... oh actually, I'm very happy to announce now that I'm currently working on my 2nd album." 

"Congratulations James!" The woman squealed as several people behind the camera gave him a small round of applause.

"Now... all the fans want to know-" oh god here it comes... James knows what she's going to say.

"What is going on between you and Mary MacDonald?" She asked eagerly.

"We are definitely, just friends. Her daughter goes to the same Kinder as Harry does, we met and became friends. FRIENDS. She's happily married and not to me." 

James said trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. 

There had been one photo of Mary and James talking as Avery (Mary's daughter) and Harry played in the park after they had picked them up from Kinder that blew up and since then James has been looking for a way to shut it down. 

"Oh." She replied sounding disappointed. Quickly looking at her notes she continued. "Well, everyone wants to know, what exactly is going on in your love life James?"

"Absolutely nothing, and that is completely fine by me." He grinned and sent a wink towards the camera. 

"Great," the blonde woman said through her teeth, clearly this wasn't the kind of answer she was looking for. Not even a stutter.


After the interview James and Remus hurried back to their home to make sure that Sirius hadn't managed to kill Harry yet. 

They walked inside and heard music coming from further down the hall.

They entered the living room to find Sirius blasting music as he and Harry danced and sang along.

After taking a quick photo James and Remus joined them.

The four boys linked arms and began to sing, parading around the room.

"Reaching out..."

"Touching me... touching you..."


James held Harry's hands as he stood on his feet and they danced around the room, Remus pulled Sirius into his chest and they danced slowly around the room with sweet forehead kisses being exchanged.

The boys continued to dance and sing around the room for the rest of the afternoon.


"Ok, and why do you think Helena might have reacted in this way?" 

Regulus asked the class standing at the front of the room, a half annotated page of A Midsummer Night's Dream enlarged on the board. 

"Yes, Audrey."

"Well, she thinks she is being mocked by Lysander and by Dimetrius as well...." the girl pauses to look at her notes. 

"She is rightfully very distressed. She is jealous of Hermia, upset that Dimetrius doesn't love her, she has self esteem issues and now Lysander is proclaiming his love for her and she's overwhelmed."  

"Very good Audrey. Any other ideas?" Regulus looked around the classroom of students all hoping to not be picked. 

"Alright, can you all read through Act 2 Scene 3 through to Act 3 scene 1 and take notes for the rest of the lesson, work not completed will be homework."

Regulus sat down at his desk and pulled up his laptop, keeping an eye on the year 8s as they chatted and worked. 

Regulus didn't know why but he found himself googling 'James Potter'. He decided he just wants to know a bit more about who is brother hangs out with, that's all. 


James Potter was born on the 27th of March 1990 (we're in the 2010s ok? Sorry I just don't want to do the 80s, the time period is kinda irrelevant tho, I'm not bothering that much with it honestly) to Fleamont and Euphemia Potter in Scotland and still lives there with his son Harry. 

The 26 year old first rose to fame shortly after his wife's death (miscarriage) when he covered "Let it be" by The Beatles. 

The YouTube video and his story blew up all over social media. 

James released his first single a few months later and "The Middle" sky rocketed up the Billboard's Hot 100. 

Potter revealed in an interview that the song entailed the depression that followed his wife's death. 

Lyrics like "don't write yourself off yet" and "it just takes some time" "everything will be alright" were words spoken by the close friends that were there for him. 

Regulus closed his laptop and swallowed the lump forming in his throat as he dismissed his students for the day.

Gathering his books and laptop together he slid them into his satchel before leaving the classroom and the school. He sat in his car and just stared for a minute before starting to drive. He drove across London to his favourite book shop. 

Dorcas Meadowes stood behind the counter fiddling with her nose ring. 

"Hey Dorc." Regulus smiled politely at her. "Black! How can I help my favourite customer?" The shop owner grinned. "I was wondering if you could help me find a book." 

"Yep and what are we looking for today? Thriller? Fantasy? Sci Fi?" She began listing things as she stepped around the counter and pulled out a notepad. 

"Actually, it's not for me. I'm buying a book for a 5 year old boy... what do you recommend?" 

"Ahhh, well let's head to the whimsical land of the children's section! Does he like to read? What's his level? Fiction, non-fiction? Weird obsessions? Kids always have weird obsessions." Dorcas asked as she pulled several different kinds of kid's books from the shelves and stacked them on a trolley next to her. 

"I'm not sure... I've never met him." 

Dorcas stopped and turned to look at him. "What's going on Reg? What aren't you telling me?" She asked squinting behind her glasses as if that might help crack him open.

"It's um... Sirius's friend's son's birthday and I haven't met either of them but Siri wants me to be there and I wanted to get the kid a present so..." Regulus ran through his longish hair as he began to panic, his thoughts settling in.

"Hey don't stress! Let's assume he's a lower level reader and go from there." Dorcas grinned pulling a couple different books from the shelves and showing them to Regulus. 


And that is another chapter done! I am on a roll now! 

Sweeeet Caroline! Ba ba bam! 

I love all these songs a lot so please, if you hate them, don't tell me😅

Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter coming soon!

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