n i n e t e e n

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Hey! Ok so when I said I'll have it done by Christmas, apparently I meant New Years. Still, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and if you don't celebrate it then a wonderful day! I hope you all like the chapter. I enjoyed writing it. I will preface it by saying that the book as a whole will have a happy ending so... yeah, don't worry. 

Please comment and vote if you liked it! 


"I'm home Jamie!" Regulus chucked his keys on the side table as he shrugged off his coat and toed off his shoes. James was at the door with him in moments, wrapping him into a hug.

"Reggie! You're freezing!" James rubbed at the younger man's sides as they walked down the hallway and into the kitchen.

"I got dinner from that good Vietnamese place down the road!" James mumbled into his ear. "Oo! Really? Let's eat on the couch." 

They settled for the night with the tv playing quietly in the background and their bodies pressed close together on Regulus' too small couch.

When the morning came Regulus was gone, a note taped to James' forehead.

Morning Jamie, sorry I left before you woke up. Had to get to school, got work today. You just looked so peaceful, didn't want to ruin it. See you tonight. Xx

James smiled giddily despite the ache in his back from lying on that couch a few hours too long.


Regulus arrived at the school that morning to blinding flashy lights and yelling. Lots of yelling.

Paparazzi yelling inappropriate questions, police officers yelling at the paparazzi yelling at students being harassed. 

It was unbareably loud. He couldn't see anything. There were people everywhere and everyone was staring at him.

He could feel his throat closing up and he desperately gasped for air, the panic settling deep into his skin, swirling in his stomach. 

Regulus pushed through the crowds of people, he didn't say a word to anyone, not even his colleagues asking if he was alright, asking what's happening.

He burst through the front doors of the school, gasping and disheveled. Very unregulus-like. 

He stumbled into the nearest bathroom and promptly threw up in the toilet. Doubled over, coughing and retching. 

Not again. Not this again.

He can't stand the rumours, the whispers, people talking as if he isn't there.

His face, his name, Regulus Black in magazines, newspapers, gossip articles. The topic for early morning talk shows and teenagers in high school hallways.

Make it stop. Make it stop.

He slides down the wall of the graffitied bathroom stall, the final pieces of his resolve slowly chipping away as his career as an English teacher goes up in flames.

 He was beginning to consider saving himself the embarrassment and just making a run for it when the intercom crackled overhead.

"Can Mr Black please make his way to the front office. Regulus Black to the front office. Thank you."

The pace of his heartbeat quickened as he pulled himself off the floor, his hands shook as he washed them in the sink and he shuddered when he splashed cold water on his face.

Debrah, the lovely secretary at the office smiled kindly to him as old ladies do but it did nothing to stop the dread from clawing at his bones.

He knocked lightly on his boss' (also the principal of the school's) door.

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