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Regulus woke up the next morning to quiet music playing and soft singing, breakfast smells wafting into his room through his door. 

He pulled his feet out from under the covers, opened the curtains of his bedroom window before  wondering curiously out into the living area. 

James' back was turned and hair was messy, Regulus perched on a stool at the kitchen bench, simply sitting quietly until he was discovered. 

Tea, two sugars, no milk, a dash of cream. 

Regulus looked up to see James still moving around the kitchen as he fried eggs, completely oblivious to Regulus' uneven breathing which became even more ragged when a plate of perfect crepes accompanied with poached pears and toffee on the side slid across the bench towards him. 

He glanced up, James was smirking now.

This had once been his favourite meal, he would refuse to eat anything else in the mornings. 

Regulus couldn't tell you how or when James discovered this, but he remembered.

Taking a tentative bite Regulus moaned slightly at the taste, forgetting that James stood just metres away, trying to calm his heart rate and not drop his breakfast on the floor.

The morning was quiet, spent with the two simply enjoying each other's company. 

"So... are you going to come to the festival?" James asked slowly and awkwardly, it wasn't very James-like at all. 

"I haven't got tickets." Regulus shrugged. "That's ok Reggie, I can get you in!" James grinned. "Really?" Regulus raised his eyebrows sarcastically.

"Yeah, really! I can put you up in a private box or something!" Now Regulus was surprised.

"Alright then, I'll go. If you'll sing to me." He teased. "Sure." James grinned again but Regulus paused.

"What?" He asked quietly.

"What?" James repeated as if he'd never said anything at all. "Well uh... it starts at 3 tomorrow... I'm not on until 5 but uh... yeah I can get you in if you come with me to sound check at 2." 

"Ok James." Regulus turned to his book and James internally screamed. 


James sat in the car with Regulus. It wasn't awkward, just quiet. 

"So what are you going to be singing? Anything I would know?" Regulus asked, breaking the silence.

"Two of my own and a cover, then maybe, if they give me extra time I'll do something new." James grinned, he was excited. 

When they reached the venue there were people everywhere, cameras flashing, fans screaming, press asking questions. James quickly grabbed Regulus' hand and pulled him through the crowds. 

Once inside he was taken up to a private box where he watched everyone running around below.

Bands, sound people, artists, managers, assistants, crew, body guards, people on lighting, they were all there. 

He watched James walk up onto he stage and sing for a bit, testing his mic and his guitar. When James looked up and winked at him however he had to sit back down to control the redness of his face.

Embarrassingly he wasn't alone in the box. He became acquainted with a woman who introduced herself as Alice Fortescue. 

She wore a head set most of the time she was up there with him, answering calls and telling people from James' team what they needed to do and where they needed to be, and even after she smirked at his red face Regulus still enjoyed her company.

Bored with all the waiting around, Regulus was scrolling through his phone when an article appeared at the top of his feed. Curious, he clicked.


James Potter spotted with mystery man?!

At 1:53pm this afternoon James Potter was seen leaving a cab with a previously unknown man. 

Upon further inspection we have been able to discover that this man is in fact, James Potter's best friend's younger brother, Regulus Black. 

If that name sounds familiar it is because Sirius has mentioned him in several interviews he partook in with James. 

Although it may seem like this is our first encounter with the infamous Black brother, he can be seen in the background of several of the official birthday posts for James' son, Harry Potter, taken just one month prior to today. 

We can only assume that these two have known each other long enough for Regulus to be close enough to James to not only be his +1 to the festival but also invite him to his son's birthday party.

It is rumoured that when James left The Savoy on Saturday evening, he spent the night at young Regulus' apartment.

But the question still remains; 

What is their relationship with each other? 

Could it be romance?

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Regulus read it over again before swallowing thickly and inspecting the photos.

There had to be at least 20 pictures of James shielding Regulus from cameras, pulling him through crowds, holding his hand. 

That was when the panic set in a bit more. What's Sirius going to think? What'll James do? Oh god... what about my students?! The kids are obsessed with him! I can't go to class with articles like this trending on Twitter!! They'll freak!


Regulus slumped in his chair and huffed out a sigh. Not really anything to do about it now. The photos are up, the articles are written, the tweets are re-tweeted. 

He's doomed.

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