Prologue: When it takes two to make one big trouble

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Jessica's POV

How dare this cheap police officer interrupt us?
Fuck, right now that I was this far from convincing Clemons that I'm dangerous and I must be locked up in the maximum security prison.
Smells like the work of Hogarth, of course, because if I end up in prison, she can no longer saddle me with her shit, she needs me free ... but it doesn't work like that.

"Hogarth, I told you to ..." I burst out, as I leave the detective's office but I remain petrified.

Here in the district everyone seems to be crazy: there are policemen who point the gun to their own head, others who point it at other people.

I don't like it, I don't like it at all.

Clemons joins me.

"What the hell is going on here? Drop your weapons!" he tries to restore order but there is the sound of a gun being cocked, before it is aimed at him.

"Brett?" Clemons looks at him dazed.

"Shut up, don't move." he answers, as cold as ice.

It is the same agent who first came to inform him that I was free to go.
Captain's orders, he said.
I'm afraid I understand which captain we're talking about.

"Oh, everyone, calm down, you are killing the mood." his voice echoes, with its so British accent, seconds later.

What's that saying? Speak of the fucking devil and the fucking devil will appear.

From a desk on the corner he, Killgrave, emerges, dressed more purple than ever.
The color of my nightmares.

He smiles slyly like a cat with a mouse and the mouse it's me.

"Jessica." he greets me and I remain motionless staring at him.

"You are not surprised to see me. You had to know I'd come for you. " he walks over to me.

"Not this fast? I..I will admit to keeping eyes on you. Spies are easy to come by. For me." he smiles cheekily, pointing to one of the policewomen.

He moves so at ease, as if this place belonged to him, as if everything belonged to him, as if every person belonged to him.
And so it is, he can own everything. He's possessed me too... slimy purple spider weaving its mind control web.

I would love to squash him like a spider, but I can't, not here, not now, there are too many lives at stake.
I have to act with caution.

"Do whatever you're going to do to me, but let them go." I try to convince him.

After all, it is me that he wants. He wants to see me collapse, he wants my end.

"Well, I have to protect myself, so ..." he counters, playing hard to get.

"Then control me, not them." I try to negotiate.

I'm worth more than ten of your best fucking guards, do you even have to think about it, asshole?

"I have absolutely no intention of controlling you. I want you to act of your own accord. " he amazes me with his answer.

What the fuckig game is he playing at?

"Act how? Suicide? Is that why you've been torturing me? " I face him once and for all.

He'll put me in a 'kill you, or they die' situation, so, sure, it won't be something he commands me and he'll get what he wants anyway.
But I'm not going to go down without a fight first, if that's the last thing I do.

And now? Why doesn't he do anything? Why is he looking at me so dazed?

"Oh my god. Jessica. I knew you were insecure. That's just so sad! I'm not torturing you. Why would I? " he wonders confusedly, approaching. "I love you."

Now I'm the one who is confused.
What the fuck did he just say?
I dreamed it, right? Maybe I'm already dead and this is Hell.

"You have been ruining... my life." I retort, sour, even if it is only the truth.

"You didn't have a life." is his fucking answer.

If I could I would strangle him, but I can't.

"As a demented declaration of love?" I ask him, trying to belittle him.

"No, obviously I... I was trying... to show you what I see. " he replies, with a calm that only makes me nervous. "That I'm the only one who matches you. Who challenges you. Who'll do anything for you. "

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