Prince-or not that my mate

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Two months had flown by, and Kaname had told Zero that he too had, had to return to the vampire council to tell them his marriage was officially off with Yuki. To Zero, this was an angels' blessing as he too had to return to his Demon manor where his father eagerly awaits. Kaname had left quite early that morning without Yuki who was now being punished and crying after finding out her marriage was over. 

Zero started to pack for his return home. The train ride back was eventful as a little kid named Yoshiro had kept him company, who was a demon dog. Once he had entered the boundaries of his Kindom, his father Yami had readily greeted him with a hug which somehow led to a long sword fight. Zero had yet to tell his father of his new mate; he decided that he best tell him at dinner. 

After taking a long required bath, he had readied himself to tell his father the news by practising in the mirror about 50  times. 

"Father, there something I must discuss, which occurred during my visit to the cross academy." 

" Speaking of which Zero, I was quite proud of clearing that dungeon; I believe a gift is in order." Yami clapped his hand as two demons gave him a white crystallized rose. 

"This is to be presented to your next mate, who you shall pick tomorrow afternoon. Before that, we have some guests coming who should be treated with the utmost respect. I believe you won't cause any trouble for our kingdom's reputation Zero." Yami said, narrowing his eyes to his future heir. 

"Yes, father", Zero had complied. He could not let his father down after all he had provided him. 

"Do wear something nice tomorrow, Zero, something that shows off a bit, so your mate will at least consider you", Yami joked, but Zero just faked a laugh inside. He knew he was hurting as he didn't understand how to break the news to Kaname. 

Zero couldn't take it. He couldn't sleep, so he did the one thing no one expected him to do. He drank his sorrows away and completely blanked out. The next morning he woke up late. The guests were meant to arrive in 30 minutes. He cleaned up his room, hid the bottles under his bed and took a long shower. He knew Yami would have already seen to their guests need. He wore black pants with thin white lines, a black and white shirt with its button undone to display his beautiful chest and top abs and a cloak that complimented the outfit and a thick belt( the picture above). 

He walked with elegance through the halls and notified the servant that he was ready to greet the guests. The doors opened as the blue demon spoke; " May I present the 28th prince of the Demon kingdom-Zero Kiryuu. " When the doors had fully opened, Silver met amber. At first, Kaname was turned on by the very sexy Zero in front of him yet very confused as to why he was here. Kaname, himself was here due to a last-minute decision to see his old family friend, but why was his mate here? Kaname soon answered his questions. 

"Kaname, meet my boy Zero. I heard that you attended his high school; hence I wonder if you two knew each other," Yami said, trying to break out the awkwardness within the room. Zero, too, had broken free from the prison of shock and smiled at his mate, who ignored him and looked at the King.

"Yes, me and Kiryuu kun were acquainted back at the academy, weren't we?"Kaname said, now glaring at his mate, who was looking down. 

"Yes, father we were",, Zero replied, and Kaname was shaken. He could not believe his white knight, now queen, was the successor of the demon kingdom.

" Yami-san, if you don't mind me asking, when did you have kids because father never told us about your partner, let alone a child," Kaname questioned 

"Well, truth to be told this brat, was here on a mission a year ago, but when I was about to finish this idiot off, I slipped on a booze bottle and accidentally kissed him, which transferred my heir's powers in him," Yami spoke with a very slight tone of distress. Kaname, on the other hand, wanted to murder Zero. How dare he kisses anyone that isn't him? When he looked at his mate, Zero looked outside the window, trying not to make eye contact. Kaname was puzzled for once. He had no idea what to do. However, Yami spoke. Next, he was ultimately taken back. 

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