Deaming Of You - Jikook

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description: when soulmates are asleep they go into a dream space, a happy place for one of them. though when one of them is still awake they can see what their soulmate is doing.



The brown haired male sighed as he leaned back in his studio chair, he had been in the studio for hours and was starting to feel sore from sitting in the same chair the whole time.

He titled his head to both sides trying to crack his neck and gave up after hearing it pop a couple of times, he looked over at his computer to check the time.

Jeongguk groaned, 3:27 AM, he heard his stomach grumble as he hadn't actually eaten since the night before, so he decided to order takeaway to be delivered to him.

Kook yawned into the back of his hand then looked down at the pieces of paper that had lyrics scribbled on them.

'Maybe you should sleep', Jeongguk shook his head, "I'm fine, just getting bored" kook mumbled back, 'gguk, you're always up so late' the brown haired boy looked over at the time again and sighed.

"I'll sleep soon, I need to get this done" he replied back, the voice had seemed to stop talking to him after that, for a while at least.

A knock at the studio door had caught Jungkook's attention, he turned around on his chair and got up to walk over towards the door.

He opened the door to see Yoongi holding his takeaway bag, "Gguk, seriously, takeaway again?" Yoongi questions him as he holds the bag hostage while Jungkook tries to grab it from him.

"I don't even eat it that often" Jungkook tries to reason, Yoongi stilled with a dead straight face, while Kook just heard giggles 'you've ordered the same takeout for a week straight now' the voice adds on.

Jungkook snatches the bag from Yoongi's hands with a frown etched on his brows and a pout of his lips, "the both of you need to stop, I don't eat takeaway much, you're just over exaggerating" Jungkook snaps at the two.

"Ooh, is Jimin with you?" Yoongi asked while grabbing Kook's face in his hands and looking into his eyes with a gummy smile.

"Yoongi, get off me" Jungkook struggles to push the blonde away but once he did his pout only intensified, "you do this all the time" he speaks in pout.

"Anyways" Yoongi began, "stop ordering takeaway, reception always calls me to get it" Yoon grumbled at him, "it's got my name on it, I don't know why they keep calling you" Kook replied back as he walked back into his studio to place the bag down on the table.

Yoongi of course followed him into the room and sat down on his couch, "I'm always telling the receptionist that you're the one ordering the food but she doesn't believe me" he says slightly annoyed.

"I try to tell her and she gets all heart eyes over you, "Jungkook wouldn't eat fast food, his body is too nice for that" she says, every damn time" he explains even trying to mimic her voice, causing Jungkook to look over at the annoyed male with a chuckle escaping from him.

His soulmate however doesn't like this conversation at topic, including the person it involves, so he starts to grumble things softly to himself to which Jungkook can't understand but laughs at the jealous male.

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