Jealous - yoonseok

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description: Hoseok found Yoongi down a alleyway one night after the kitten hybrid had been kicked out by his parents. so he offered him a place to stay.


Yoongi pushes the doors open to the apartment complex and stepped out onto the cold street, a bag on his back and one being tightly held in his hand.

Yoongi walked down the street not paying attention to where he was walking or which direction he was heading in.

Soon he found himself in the alley way that only had a closed off end, he frowned and looked around the small area, so this is what it comes down too, Yoongi thought to himself.

He heard laughing and yelling heading in his direction, a few guys walked around the corner and looked towards Yoongi's figure, but they couldn't see his face because of how dark it was.

"ahhh, what do we have here, the hybrid mutt has come back, did your little boyfriend kick you out again?" They tease the cat, Yoongi frowned confused on what the group of guys were talking about.

Yoongi stepped towards the guys cautiously, "I don't know who you're talking about" Yoongi voices, the guys laughed at Yoongi and started to walk around him.

"We thought you were someone else" one guy spoke up knocking Yoongi's bag out of his hands, "Hey" Yoongi called out and went to grab his bag which only resulted in Yoongi getting kicked in the stomach.

A few of the other guys grabbed the bag and opened it, they pulled all of Yoongi's clothes out of the bag throwing them around, even ripping a few pieces of the clothing.

Yoongi slowly stood up, his stomach hurting bad, he grabbed a guy by the shirt and punched him square in the jaw, the guys head going back from the impact of the punch and the guy just laid on the ground holding his mouth.

Yoongi was grabbed around the arms and held back, he started to thrash around to get out of the grip but he couldn't, the guys took turns in landing hits to Yoongi's already sore stomach.

Yoongi was limp against the person holding him, his head down as he breathed heavy, he was exhausted and couldn't defend himself, the biggest guy in the group grabbed him by his beanie and hair and tried to pull his head up but the beanie came off revealing his ears.

The guy started to laugh, "would you look at that, another cat hybrid" the guy grabbed a fist full of Yoongi's hair, "no one wants you here mutt" the guy spat, disgust clear in his voice and it was the first time Yoongi truely hated what he was.

Yoongi got a punch in the face by the same guy before he was thrown to the ground and kicked a few more times before the guys laughed, called out a few names towards him and took off walking out of the alley way and down the empty street.

Yoongi laid on the ground for a couple of minutes, trying to catch his breath back, he groaned as he tried to sit up again but couldn't because it hurt to much.

He heard foot steps down the road, even though his stomach hurt so much he got up from the ground, groaning and hissing at the pain, he slowly started to walk around and pick his things up.

He put a couple of things in the bag but stopped and took a second to breath, "those assholes, I'll get them next time" Yoongi said before he spat on the ground.

Yoongi started to pick up his things again, but when he heard the footsteps so close he placed the beanie on his head again, and went back to picking his things up.

He heard the foot steps stop at the entrance of the alley way but he didn't turn to look at the person he just continued what he was doing, he heard the foot steps coming towards him, but again he just continued.

Yoongi got tapped on his shoulder, he turned and looked at the hand, then to the person that tapped him, Yoongi's mouth parted slightly.

Yoongi stood up properly and pain stabbed into his stomach from where he was kicked and punched multiple times, Yoongi looked towards the man standing in front of him.

He was holding a few of Yoongi's clothing, "Are you okay?" He asked Yoongi and he just nodded his head, not trusting himself to say any words to the man, "you don't look okay" He stated and smiled at Yoongi.

Yoongi frowned at the guy, Yoongi snatched the clothes out of the guys hands and placed them back in his bag, he picked the bag up in his hands again and started to walk down the alley way slowly.

"Look let me help you, where are you going?" The guy asked Yoongi following behind him, Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, "Nowhere" Yoongi said lowly hoping that the man wouldn't hear him.

"Where do you live?" The guy jumped in front of Yoongi to stop him from walking, Yoongi looked him up and down quickly and pushed him out of the road and kept walking.

As Yoongi stepped out of the alley way the street light flashed onto the two guys faces, Yoongi stared at the bright red hair and the just as bright smile on the man in front of him.

"Wait I've seen you around here before" the guy points at Yoongi and Yoongi shakes his head, "I haven't seen you" he lied, Yoongi looks away from the man, "I have seen you, you're the one that hides behind the bins" Yoongi's cheeks go a deep red and he shakes his head, lying again.

"You must be thinking about someone else" Yoongi says and continued to walk, his leg gave out and he fell to all four, he was pulled back up to his feet by the red haired man, he put Yoongi's arm over his shoulder, "Come on, you can come stay at mine".

Yoongi didn't say anything else the whole way to the guys house, once they got inside, the guy placed Yoongi down onto the lounge in his room.

"My names Hoseok, what's yours?" Hoseok smiled at the elder as he sat down on his bed across from Yoongi, "Yoongi" he said and closed his eyes, he put his head back to rest on the back of the lounge.

Yoongi felt something being placed over him, he opened his eyes to see Hoseok placing a blanket over his body, Yoongi looked up into his eyes, the younger boy had a smile on his face.

Yoongi had fallen asleep on the lounge and Hoseok in his bed not far from the lounge, that was the best sleep Yoongi had, had in years.

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