- jikook

25 5 4

warnings: teen pregnancy, mpreg, jk is a little mean at the start of the fic but it's due to a misunderstanding

Description: While Jimin is in the locker rooms getting changed, Jeongguk (the basketball captain) walks in on him and sees something he shouldn't have.


time skip: a week

Jeongguk had noticed that the omega had been avoiding him. He didn't mind, he hadn't been wanting to bother him too much but now the week has passed and the omega is still running away.

Which tells Jeongguk that he hasn't told Yoongi anything about his pup yet.

Jeongguk had figured that he would approach the omega the same way that he had first spoken to him. So he waited at the end of empty hallway where he had perfect view of the locker room door.

He had seen most of Jimin's class enter then leave the room not long afterwards as the dismissal bell rang, indicating lunch break.

After a couple of mintues Jeongguk spots the omega waddling carefully towards the locker rooms, his sports clothes still on.

When the omega is inside the door, the alpha makes his way towards it as well.

When inside he spots the omega instantly, back to him again with just his sports shorts still on.

Jeongguk leans against the door to stop anyone else coming in and interrupting them. His eyes scan over the five moons once again.

"Did you tell Yoongi?" Jeongguk questions softly. He moved his eyes away from the smaller male's back, trying to stop staring so much at the bare back.

Jimin sighs softly, he had noticed Jeongguk as soon as he had entered the locker rooms.

He shook his head, still facing his opened locker. He did turn then so that he could see the alpha's reaction.

"I'm scared" Jimin truthfully says, his hands shaking nervously at the thought of Yoongi reacting badly to the news.

"So you're going to leave him the dark?" Jeongguk questions, a frown appearing on his face. Jimin shook his head again.

"I seen you in your hoodie earlier, you're already starting to show through them" Jeongguk crosses his arms over his chest, getting angry that the omega was still hiding something so important from his friend.

Jimin looks down at his belly nervously, his shaky hands coming up to rub it in hopes of calming himself down a little. Jeongguk noticed this and took in a deep breath to also calm himself down, he didn't want to stress the omega out too much in his condition.

"I tried to tell him but I don't want him to be upset at me" Jimin said softly, his eyes welling up with tears, once again he tries to hold them in, he didn't want to cry in front of the alpha.

"He still deserves to know that he has a pup on the way" Jeongguk said back, letting out a sigh. He knew his friend well and knows that he would never be upset at the omega, so he isn't sure why he is so worried about telling him.

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