Chapter 11

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"Oh yes Rose!"

Meredith groaned loudly as she buried her head in her pillow. Derek and Rose had been going at it all night long, after he bought her home after their date. Mark snored softly beside her, not hearing or caring that Derek had been screaming and moaning all night. Meredith glared at Mark. How could he just sleep? Derek was practically screaming so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear it. Meredith was kind of surprised the neighbors hadn't called to complain yet. Maybe if they did Derek would stop being so damn loud.

"Mark." She said, slapping him gently on the cheek trying to wake him up. Mark stirred in his sleep, but made no intention of waking up anytime soon.

"Wake up." She said, pushing and shoving him after her gentle attempts at waking him clearly didn't work.

"What?" Mark asked annoyed, not bothering to open his eyes. Meredith rolled her eyes at him. He was so dramatic.

"Scream my name." Meredith said simply.

"Why?" Mark asked, this time opening his eyes to look at her confused.

"Just do it."

"Ohhhh," Mark said, as he realized what was happening, "you want to make Derek jealous."


"Why don't you get on top of me and we'll make him jealous with the real deal."

"Ugh, no." Meredith groaned, practically jumping out of bed and slamming the door behind her as she excited Marks bedroom to find her way into the kitchen.

She poured herself a bowl of Dereks cereal, making as much noise as she possibly could. She sat down at the chair at the counter with a loud thud, and began to eat. Derek was using Rose to get back at her for all the times she screamed and moaned with Mark. Poor her.

"You look like you haven't slept all night." Derek said innocently as he walked into the kitchen, only wearing a pair of pajamas pants hanging low on his hips.

"Hmm, wonder why?" She said sarcastically, chewing loudly knowing it irritated Derek.

"Shut your mouth when you eat, it's disgusting." Derek snapped, and began to pour himself some of his cereal.

"Make me." Meredith snapped back, throwing a piece of cereal at his back.

"You wish." Derek snorted and sent her a glare as he sat down beside her. They ate in silence for a while, their shoulders occasionally touching.

"So you and Rose." Meredith started.


"Are you a thing now or what?" She continued, getting annoyed with him as he played dumb. Stupid brain man.

"What are you jealous?" He smirked.


"You so are."

"No, I'm not."

"You keep telling yourself that."

"Keep telling herself what?" Rose asked, suddenly appearing in the kitchen as well, watching the two of them. Derek quickly shut up, continuing to eat his cereal.

Meredith groaned and pushed her bowl of cereal away, stood up and left the kitchen without a word.

"He's using her." Meredith said, as she joined Cristina at the nurses station. Meredith leaned against the counter, watching Derek and Rose who were standing talking further down the hall.

"What?" Cristina asked confused and looked up from her chart with her pen in between her teeth.

"You look like shit." Cristina stated as she got a good look at her friend. She had dark circles under her eyes, her scrubs were wrinkled and her hair was loosely tied in a pony tail.

"That would be Dereks fault." Meredith said, "he kept me up all night moaning and screaming."

"So what if he's having a sex life?" Cristina asked with a smirk, knowing exactly why Meredith was angry about it. Of course she knew.

"He knows I don't like her."

"What are you jealous?" Cristina asked with a grin, earning an eye roll from Meredith. Meredith turned to watch Derek and Rose with a scowl. God, she was practically throwing herself at him. How pathetic.

"No," Meredith snorted, "it's just the more unavailable he gets, the more I want him."

"So you're jealous." Cristina stated.

"You suck as a friend." Meredith whined, throwing her hands dramatically in the air. She walked around the counter to sit down in a chair. She leaned back in the chair, as far as she could, throwing her legs up on another chair trying to get comfortable.

"Go sleep in an on call room." A nurse snapped at Meredith. Meredith ignored her, as she watched Cristina do her charts. Stupid annoying nurses.

"Oh god, I love him." A voice suddenly exclaimed, snapping Meredith out of her day dreaming. Meredith and Cristina turned their attention to the person who the voice belonged to. Meredith groaned loudly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." Rose said awkwardly.

"Don't mind me." Meredith said with a fake smile and closed her eyes as she tried to relax.

"He's perfect." Rose said, interrupting Merediths attempt to relax. Cristina looked at Rose with a frown, not understanding why she kept talking to her. Rose smiled awkwardly, catching up on the fact that neither Cristina or Meredith cared.

"Isn't she adorable?" Derek asked, appearing by Roses side leaning in to kiss her cheek looking directly at Meredith as he did.

"You've known her for one day." Meredith snorted sarcastically, not opening her eyes to look at the oh so happy couple.

"There's this thing called being supportive, you should try it." Derek said.

"There's this thing called shutting the hell up, you should try it." Meredith backfired.

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