Chapter 4

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The meeting went back to back and surprisingly, was done smoothly. Taehyung was a bit amused to see the people they uphold a meeting with have a lot of respect for his so-called 'perfect boss' but again 'Jeon Corps' is the most successful company in the country, it's expected. Taehyung hands were tired since he was taking down notes during the meeting and at this very moment, he has plan his boss's death in his head.

Damn it's my first day and I already want to quit, he sighs.

Taehyung didn't have lunch because of the meetings.

"Oh right I have to meet Mr.Min after work," he reminded himself while finishing up an email on the laptop.

He and his boss were in the office working on their laptops and it was almost time to leave, office hours are from 8 am to 5:20 pm and there is no way Taehyung is going to work overtime.

It was finally 5:20 pm, Taehyung pack his stuff and started to walk off, leaving his boss behind, who was still working on his laptop.

Before he walks out the door he then realizes that he doesn't know where the company's restaurant is.

Silly me.

"Mr. Jeon, where is the company restaurant?"

Mr. Jeon look up from his laptop and rose a brow at his question. 

"It's on the fourth floor, why ?"

"No reason."

Taehyung ran off heading towards the elevator pressing the number ' 4 '.

 The elevator stops and its door opens.

Taehyung sees Yoongi sitting by a table waving at him, Taehyung smile, walks towards him and pulled a chair sitting on the opposite side of him. 

"So what do you want to eat ?" Yoongi asked.

"Some fries and a turkey burger please." 

Yoongi nodded and told the waitress their order, while they were waiting for their order, Mr. Min wants to use the opportunity to get to the boy better.

"So, how do you like it so far?"

"Ughh I hate my boss a lot, he asks me to do everything as if I am his maid and you know he is soo mean and rude" Taehyung whined and huff out his rosy cheeks.

Yoongi chuckles at Taehyung's tantrum while shaking his head.

"He is like that to everyone so you are not alone" Mr. Min pointed out.

"Seriously though, he got on my nerves, I really want a shark to eat him alive or maybe get hit by a bat," Taehyung said with an evil smile, picturing his boss in those scenarios.

Yoongi laugh but then his eyes widen and his face turned serious.

"He is right behind me, isn't he? " Taehyung whispered but Mr. Jeon still heard him.

Yoongi nods his head slightly.

Taehyung turned his head and forced a smile. There stood the CEO with an expressionless face and cold intense glare that was directed to Taehyung.

Wow how great I messed up on my first day of work, I wanna bury myself in a deep hole.. what if I get fired what will I do, Taehyung cries internally.

Taehyung chuckled nervously, "A-Ah Mr. Jeo-"

Mr Jeon walk off not saying anything and left him speechless.

Yoongi tries to lighten the mood. 

"Don't worry everything will be fine. " 

"I hope so," he mumbles.

The waitress brought their food for them and they began to eat in silence. 

"So do you have any siblings or friends Taehyung ?"

"Ah no, no siblings but I have one best friend, his name is Jimin" Taehyung smiled remembering his friend.

"Jimin, what a nice name,"  Yoongi said flashing his gummy smile.


They both finished eating. 

"Let's meet every evening like this, if that's alright with you," Yoongi said, as he got up from the chair.

"Sure, I would like that," Taehyung smiled.

They both walk to the car park and went their separate ways.

Taehyung drove to the club, the club where he first meet his best friend and the one he will be performing tonight, Star Gazing. 

He park at the VIP car park, he could park there since he is a special part-timer and also he is one of the reasons for many customers to come.

He went inside the building and greeted the manager, Kim Namjoon who was behind the bar counter.

"Hi, Hyung!"

"Hi Tae,  Jimin is inside the dressing room by the way, " he smiled showing his dimples.

"Okay thank you," Taehyung flash his boxy smile.

Taehyung walks into the dressing room to find Jimin already dressed up in his costume to perform. 

"TaeTae, I miss you," Jimin whines, jumping in his friend's arms. 

"Jiminie, I miss you too," Taehyung smiled, patting Jimin's back and then pulling apart.

"So how was your day at work "

Taehyung frowned before answering "Ugh I just hate my boss so much he's just a spoiled brat, a cold-hearted brat." 

Taehyung continue rambling about him hating his boss while Jimin was listening inventively chuckling here and then. 

"You know I make a new friend also, so the day wasn't that bad."

"Oh, what's your friend's name?" 

"Min Yoongi."

"Oh, his name sounds hot."

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Okay you need to get ready now," Jimin said pushing Taehyung to change.

Taehyung began stripping while Jimin was on his phone going through his social media account.

Taehyung slipped into a white oversize shirt, that reach his mid-milky thighs and he put on his black lace panties. He looks at himself in the mirror fixing his hair, by running it through with his long fingers letting it fall on his eyes, he then took his blue contacts and puts them on. There was a knock on the door.

"Tae you are next! "  Namjoom shouted from the other side.

"Okay will be there in a few!"  Taehyung shouted back.

Jimin looks at his best friend from head to toe. 

"Damn bitch, if I was a top, I would definitely date you, you're so fucking hot Tae."

Taehyung giggled at his best friend's comment. 

He sway his hips while walking out of the dressing room while Jimin was making whistling sounds.

Taehyung was on the stage as the slow jazz music began to play and the lights became dimmed. He smirk at the crowd that was cheering and his body began to move with the rhythm of the music, that's how the night ended.

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