Chapter 15

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It was early Monday morning and Taehyung was up. His soreness on his legs disappeared which he is really grateful for. He brushed his teeth and had his regular morning shower. He came out of the bathroom wrapped up in a fluffy white towel, he dried his skin, then changing into a white shirt, black pants and he  slipped on his silver hoop earrings. He look at himself in the big  rectangular mirror, fixing his hair by parting it. He felt contented with his look. 

"There," Taehyung grinned at his reflection on the mirror.

He took up his documents for work and head down stairs in to the kitchen.

He clapped his hands twice and glassy crystal chandelier lights came on.

I could get used to this, Taehyung  thought, smiling at himself.

He then went  by the kitchen counter, memories of yesterday's event came flooding back in his mind making his cheeks flared up red.

No don't think about that now, but I wonder if we have a chance to be together.

Taehyung heart flutter due to the thought.

No I shouldn't be thinking the impossible and I don't like him like that ...

Taehyung shook his head, then he started to prepared toasted bread.

When the breads were finished toasted, he placed it on two plates then applying chocolate paste on it, with a cup of coffee on the side for Jungkook and a glass of orange juice for himself. A couple of seconds later, Jungkook came down the  stairs, dressed professionally in his black suit. He join Taehyung by pulling a chair,  which is opposite of Taehyung.

"Good morning" Taehyung give a wholehearted smile, but Jungkook ignored him.

Taehyung felt a pang on his heart.

Of course, I am alright now so there is no reason for him to be nice again.

Taehyung smile sadly at Jungkook, then began to eat his breakfast.


Jungkook was  presenting the power point he  had made over the weekend, in the large spacious meeting room. There were only the directors of the different sectors in the company were present along with his assistant. Taehyung was seated by Yoongi, taking down some point as Jungkook explains.

Yoongi sneakily passed a piece of paper to Taehyung, Taehyung look at Yoongi curiously and Yoongi motion Taehyung to read it.

Are you okay, you seem a bit down?

Taehyung shook his head with a small smile and wrote down a response quickly.

I am fine, don't worry : )

Taehyung passed back the note to Yoongi and he read it. He give a gummy smile to Taehyung and Taehyung smiled back. 

"Now Mr. Min would you like to tell me what you got out from the meeting?" Jungkook said in a stern voice making Taehyung and Yoongi flinch. Everyone's eyes were on both of them, making both feeling awkward.

Yoongi and Taehyung  turned back to  face the superior,Jungkook rose a brow.

Yoongi explained everything without a stutter and Taehyung was just there sitting awkwardly.

The meeting ended and Taehyung and Jungkook were back  in the office doing their work in their laptops.

" Mr. Kim did you forgot to bring my morning coffee?' Jungkook ask and Taehyung stop typing on his laptop and glared at Jungkook.

Yesterday I did say he wasn't a jerk but I was wrong and is he serious right now?

"On it sir," Taehyung forced a smile on his pink lips.

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