The guy in black and red

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Flashback 1920 hours after y/n supposed passing
3rd person pov
As y/n finally drag himself out of the car and out of the deep ocean he found himself at an beach

Y/n "Mami im finally back"

?? "Yes but aren't you supposed to be dead"

Y/n "who there"

?? "well you of course"

Y/n "don't play wise guy with me"

?? "Well I'm may be intelligent but I'm am correct when I say this"

As the mysterious guy had walk out of the shadows of the under of the pier

Y/n "holy shit I thought I couldn't get drunk"

As y/n seen an duplicate of him but in an much fancy get up as y/n attempt to drink from his flask

Y/n?? "What are you doing"

Y/n "getting more drunk so maybe I can see my 12th wife and her big tits so I could suck on them"

Y/n?? "How may wife did you have"

Y/n "24"
Y/n "why"

Y/n??? "What is the point of these wife's do you crave lust"

Y/n "not lust chugs love"

Y/n?? "Love"

Y/n chug "you know the warm feeling inside of you to want be with someone"

Y/n?? "I never experience this love"

Y/n "why"

Y/n?? "I was made for war other things I wasn't made for simple things like love or understanding the mating system"

Y/n "what are you"

Y/n?? "I'm an fallen angel i was casted to damnation for refusing an reliance"

Y/n "I'll think I call you Lucy what you think"

Lucy "I believe that I shall call you rasputin"

Y/n "why is that"

Lucy "my reason are that because you had multiple wife's and an drinker your religious and you are immortal and your Russian"

Y/n "I like that"

Y/n "Come let's go"

Lucy "by the way is this earth 22ba"

Y/n "22ba???"

Lucy " I see I teleported to the wrong dimensions 22ba people are aware of alternative dimensions"

Y/n "yeah yeah whatever now let's go to the club I felling like it going be my 25th today"

Lucy"what happens to the 24 it must of been recent"

Y/n "she cheated"

Lucy"cheated at life"

As Lucy looked confused y/n sat back down and chugging more of flask

Y/n "cheating is when your wife or your lover was only around you for either your money or another complicated reason so instead to choose another man to have an afair or have relationship with even though marriage meant for one person you love or more"

Lucy "your mating sound complicated"

Y/n "you get used to it"

As y/n try to drink again his flask was empty


Lucy "fixed"

As y/n start he threw up

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