The heiliger engel (4th genration)

522 10 18

1960 y/n POV
"Ahhh back in the New York it been awhile germany and Russia was fun but I can't wait to start crime again"

Quick time skip about a year

I made an gang we got four members excluding me
There Dallas , Houston , hoxton , chains (if you get that reference I fricking love no homo)

I was making my way to our warehouse for our drugs trade preparation


"Ouch sorry"

??? "It okay"

As I look it seems a small girl with brown hair.           (I believe angels are just dead people btw)

"Now if you excuse me kid I got businesses"

??? "Kid?!?!"

?? "I'm not a kid!?!?"

"What do you mean your like 3 times smaller then me"

?? "I'm just smaller then normal"

?? "See"

As I look it says amane rl/n (rl/n = random last name)

"Amane rl/n"

Amane "you weren't supposed to look at that part this one"

"Oh so your 19"

"How about I take you to dinner as a apology"

Amane "sure"

That day I walk out with and date number and over 3 million dollars from our coke trade

Flashback end

"Ahh the glory days"

<what he talking about>
<he daydreaming again>
<gramps will you tell me a war story>

"Y'all getting snarky in the comments so what anime you recommending today"

<redo of goated>
<redo of healer>

"Alright I search it up"
Click clap click click

"Alright so I'm going have to put an watermark for copyright reasons"

Three hours

"Wth was that"

Ding dong

"Who is it"

??? "Me"

As I walk over to my door

"Ahh coco"

Coco "so-

"Which one is it molly heroine angel dust coke meth"

Coco "no not today I was wondering if you could babysit today"

"Oh not really my kind of thing"

Coco "come on I'll pay you"

"Ahh I got it"

Coco "a shopping list"

Coco "cigarettes cigarettes cigarette root beer root beer root beer food "

"Get me my shopping list and we're even including your debut"

Coco "ooops I remembered that"

"I hate checks I got weird stares cause your bank account was empty"

"Your Lucky were coworkers"

Coco "yup I guess I am"

"So anyways what time do I watch this kid"

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