A Message from DovahHeichou (Ellie!)

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WOAH - uh - hello everyone! I'm surprised you guys are still here after all these years. Damn, LeeGaa stans are loyal!!!

I've been inactive for years now, mostly because of a lack of motivation, university, and mental health issues. My email address linked to this account has also been inactive for a while now, so for a long time I had no idea people were even still reading my fanfictions.

I've had SO many lovely, amazing comments. I'm honestly in awe. I had no idea people cared about me and my fics so much. I know a lot of you have been really worried about me and I'm so sorry that I haven't been more active. I feel so touched by all the support I've gotten from you guys, and I really wanna make it up to you!

So, here's a little FAQ:

1 - Are you okay?

Yes, I'm okay! I'm not dead or anything! Tbh I've been through a lot of hard things since my last update, but I'm not gonna bore you guys with the details. Life is difficult, but I'm still here!

2 - Will you be updating XO?

Honestly, I was gonna leave it incomplete, but after seeing all the love for it I've kind of fallen in love with it all over again - what do you guys think? You wanna see more Gaara and Lee shenanigans??? I'll probably need to file through and edit it because I was like, 14 when I started writing it???? I'M NEARLY 21 NOW. WHAT THE FUCK.

Should I rewrite a brand spanking new Love Me Like XO, Kill Me Like XO from scratch, or would you guys prefer I just updated this version?

3 - Can we be friends?

ABSOLUTELY. Y'all wanna have a discord group chat or sumn????

I'll post this as an update on XO as well so I know you guys will see it. I hope you're all well and safe, and if you wanna talk or anything just send me a message! I love you all so much, thank you for the support <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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