Doctor Who-11th Doctor

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You were working round your house trying to tidy it up for your patents visit when you heard a knock at the door, you weren't expecting them this early, they had an hour. Curiously you made your way yo the front door and opened it, revealing a very handsome man with brown hair and a long blue trench coat.
"Hey there little lady, my name is Jack and I've been told to give you this on this exact date at this exact time" he smiled before he disappeared again, like he literally disappeared right in front of your face. You looked around and closed the door. Jack? You opened the deep blue envelope and pulled out the letter.

~~Hello (Y/N). I don't wish to alarm you but in about three seconds your house is going to be blown up and I'm pulling you into my TARDIS.~~

You looked around in alarm when a strange metallic noise sounded and the wind picked up, all your windows were closed but suddenly you weren't in your house anymore. You looked round and a man with light brown hair walked out~
"Ahh hello, (Y/N) I presume. Hello I'm the doctor"
"Doctor what?"
"If you like" he smiled. You looked around at everything and you had never seen anything like it
"Where am I?" You ask confused
"The TARDIS, duh, didn't you read the letter?" The doctor said annoyed and began turning some knobs and pulling some levers.
"What are you doing?" You ask as you climbed up the stairs
"Going places" he replied running round
"So kidnapping" you say
"You're no kid"
"It still counts"
"No buts"
"Fine but tag along, its fun" the doctor smiled and the tardis began to dematerialize
"Whats going on? Is my house blowing up?!" You shrieked and held onto the bars
"No that was just a clever lie" the doctor laughed and the loud noises stopped
"What just happened? Who are you? Where are we? Take me home!" You yelled and hit him
"Oww! Just open those doors!" The doctor smiled pointing at two doors down the steps
"Why? What's out there?" You asked crossing your arms
"Just look" he chuckled and pushed you down the stairs. You slowly walked towards the door and looked through the window, it was very dark out so you couldn't see much. You swung the doors open and looked out, you saw the most beautiful sight you though imaginable
"Is this a trick? How are you doing this?" You asked "how am I breathing?"
"Stop asking questions and just look, it's amazing isn't it?" The doctor smiled coming up behind you
"Its beyond words" you reply and look out at your home planet.
"And this is just the beginning, if you want to tag along" The doctor smiled and you looked at him
"Why me? I'm not special" you reply
"I was told not to travel alone and you are special, never sell yourself short" the doctor smiled and patted your head
"Speaking of short" he said and you hit him
"Shut up" you giggled and looked back out at your planet
"So? Will you tag along?" he asked hopefully
"I'd love too".

//Hope you liked it!!\\

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