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Within a week, Inko was discharged from the hospital. She was feeling fine now. Izuku hasn't been back to the witch of greed for a bit either. Things seemed to be getting normal. He almost forgot about the witches. At some point during the week, a knock was at the door.

"Be right there! Izuku, can you get that?" Inko asked. Izuku nodded as he quickly went and opened the front door.

"All Might!?" Izuku asked. He gave a little wave.

"Huh!? Oh! Please, come in!" Inko shouted to the doorway. He walked in and took a seat at a kitchen table, where Izuku and Inko sat at the opposite side.

"So, what's this about?" Izuku asked. All Might took a deep breath.

"Before I start, Mrs. Midoriya, I know how you probably feel about your son's actions that day and how unsafe that was, but please hear us out." He said. Inko nodded. She wasn't very happy about Izuku risking his life, but wasn't too mad either. It didn't even matter. Even if Izuku died, things would have been fine, but they wouldn't even know it.

"In concern for the safety of the students, we decided to set up a dorm system. From now, they would head to school and live at dorms that were set up. They are close to the school and have protection if there were any villain attacks." All Might said. Inko listened.

"Please, can you give permission to have Izuku at the dorms?" He asked. Inko sighed.

"You know, I can't protect him forever." She said. She turned to Izuku and teared up.

"You're growing up so much! You're moving out and you'll be around all your peers and—" She cried before Izuku cut her off

"Relax, I'll still visit often." He said. Inko nodded.

"Oh, and if I see you on TV like that again, it'll be the last time you're ever on TV. You hear me?" She asked. Izuku nodded. She sighed, wiped her tears, and turned to All Might.

"It's a yes..."

"Wow. It's huge." Kaminari said.

"Yes. With the help of Cementoss and a construction team, they were able to build dorms for most of the classes." Aizawa said. Everyone was talking about the new dorms that existed.

"Before I give a tour, there's one thing I want to make straight." Aizawa said. Everyone quieted down and were looking at Aizawa.

"From the events that occurred earlier this week, I hope you're all feeling better." He said. Mina out a thumbs up.

"Everyone's safe and we won the day, but the knees about All Might shocked me." Mina said. A few other students agreed.

"Great, then all of you are suspended..." He began. Everyone gasped and were confused.

"Is what I would say if everyone didn't came out unharmed. The fact that Kirishima's little gang to save Bakugo worked is astounding, but you need to realize you guys don't have licenses." He said. Todoroki, Izuku, Iida, Momo, and Kirishima were all looking down at the ground.

"I told you it was a bad idea." Kaminari said.

"Sir, I'm confused. Wouldn't it only be these five?" Mineta asked.

"Excellent question. First, answer this one. Did you guys know they were going to do this?" He asked. Everyone's eyes widened. Bakugo was just grinning.

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