USJ... Again

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He was back in the boat with Tsu and Mineta. He had a plan now.
"Thanks, but we have to find a way to deal with these villains." Izuku said.
"But how?" Tsu asked.
"We should try to escape." Mineta said.
"NO!" Izuku shouted as fast as possible. They looked at him weirdly.
"I mean... no. We have to stop these villains. They could stop our escape." Izuku said.
"Then what do you suggest we do?" Tsu asked.
"I have an idea." He said...
"Get back!" Thirteen shouted. The smoke was covering the door.
"I got this." She said running forward. She activated her quirk and started sucking in the smoke. The eyes in the smoke widened before going back to normal. Thirteen felt a tug on her. She then felt her suit get ripped apart from behind. She fell down. The smoke warped the damage to behind her.
"God! What do we do?" Iida asked.
"I don't know!" Sero said.
"Get... help..." Thirteen said as her final words. She only fell unconscious, but they didn't know how long they could last. They all looked at the purple black smoke.
"I won't be letting you leave." It said. They all stared at it. They couldn't come up with anything.
"Iida, you can run." Ochako said.
"Yeah. Run like hell and get help!" Mina said. Iida looked at the smoke.
"But... how?" He asked.
"We'll back you up!" Ochako said. They were all ready to fight. He grinned.
"Let's do this." He said...
Meanwhile, Aizawa was taking out villains left and right. The villains had decent quirks, but non to powerful for him. He was able to take out most of them before the big bird attacked him. He was able to hold off for a while before getting punched in the stomach. He fell to the ground.
"You know, this is how we will beat All Might." The Hans villain said. Aizawa stared at them.
"To let you know, my name is Shigaraki. This here is my Nomu. Well, you won't know that much longer." Shigaraki smiled.
Back over to Izuku, he told them the plan.
"Are you sure this will work?" Tsu asked.
"It has to. Besides..." Izuku said looking out into the water.
"I can try again." He said. Suddenly the boat rocked.
"Alright, we have to go now!" Izuku shouted. He jumped off the side of the boat.
"HA! What an idiot! Jumping straight at us!" One of the villains laughed. Izuku aimed his finger down at them. He flicked it. As he did, One for All activated and a large air force landed into the water. The water rushes there as all the villains got sucked in. Tsu jumped out and grabbed Izuku with her tongue. Mineta gritted his teeth.
"SCREW IT! I'M A HERO TOO YOU KNOW!" He shouted throwing out his sticky balls. A lot of them landed in the water. It moved to the villains. Soon enough, they were all stuck together in the water. Tsu landed them at shallow waters.
"Alright, that's them taken care of." Izuku said.
"Quick thinking." Tsu said. Izuku nodded. They all turned to look at Aizawa. As they did, he was slammed down by the Nomu. The Nomu then held Aizawa to the ground. The three of them widened their eyes as they saw the Nomu's strength. Shigaraki noticed them.
"Well, killing a few people will bring All Might, so..." He said as he walked over to them. They were frozen. They were scared. Shigaraki walked over and aimed his hand at Tsu. He got closer. He then placed it on her face. Nothing happened. Aizawa was using his quirk on him. The Nomu slammed Aizawa's head down.
"Thank you." He said. He turned back to Tsu. She was still frozen. Izuku gritted his teeth. He didn't want anyone to die, not after he's come this far. He clenched his fist and jumped out of the water. He charged One for All.
"SMASH!" He shouted as loud as possible. That must've been his most powerful punch yet. Smoke clears to reveal that his fist hit the Nomu. Not only that, his arm wasn't broken.
"Jesus Christ! You could've killed me! And you want to be a hero?" Shigaraki asked. The Nomu grabbed Izuku's arm and threw him.
"RUN TSU, MINETA!" Izuku screamed. Shigaraki turned to them to see Mineta being carried away by Tsu. He started scratching his neck.
"Damn kid. Took away my kill. No matter, we still have you." Shigaraki said turning to Izuku. He got up. Aizawa was in no fighting condition. Izuku stared at the Nomu and Shigaraki. Suddenly the Nomu was behind him. He was slammed to the ground.
"AH!" He screamed. He was pinned down now. Shigaraki walked over. He placed his hand on Aizawa. Suddenly he turned to dust like he was decaying. He was gone completely. Izuku's eyes widened.
"Well, should've have messed with me kid." Shigaraki said placing his hand on Izuku's face. Suddenly he back in class. He didn't scream. He looked at the time. A few minutes before lunch.
So, this isn't 24 hours back...
The bell rang. It was 11:45.
"Well, have lunch and meet me back here. That's when we can work on our next thing." Aizawa said. Everyone got up and left. They all went to lunch.
"So, what are all of your favorite heroes?" Izuku asked.
"Ohh! Mine is Thirteen!" Uraraka said.
"Mine is Ingenium." Iida said.
"What about you Todoroki?" Izuku asked.
"All Might." He said. They were kinda in shock.
"All Might? Why not Endeavor?" Iida asked.
"It's a long story. I don't feel like explaining it." Todoroki said. Izuku got kinda deep in though.
Now that I think about it, he hasn't used his fire at all. The only time he used it was to demonstrate his quirk to me when we first met...
"Izuku?" Uraraka asked.
"Ah! W-What?" Izuku asked.
"Well, what's your favorite hero?" She asked.
"Oh, mines All Might. I actually adore him and might be his biggest fan." He said. A few people laughed.
"Anyway, Uraraka, you said Thirteen. She's probably gonna be here for the next half of the day." Izuku said.
"Really!? I mean, why?" She asked.
"Well, I heard some staff talking about her." Izuku said. She nodded in excitement.
"Ohhhh I can't wait to meet her in person!" She said excitedly. After a bit, lunch ended. They all went back to class. There, Aizawa told everyone to get ready in their hero costumes. They all got dressed and hopped in the bus.
"So, what do you think today's training will be?" Uraraka asked.
"Well, we got dressed in our hero costumes. I would assume something to do with fighting." Iida said. Izuku shook his head.
"No. We've already done plenty of fighting exercises. I'd assume it's some different training." He said. He already knew what it was, he just didn't want to give it away... not that it matters today. Soon enough, they were there. Uraraka saw Thirteen.
"OH MY GOD YOU WERE RIGHT!" She exclaimed with a shout. This was the loudest out of the other times.
"Shut it round face." Bakugo said.
"Shut it boom boy." Todoroki said. Izuku grinned at that.
"YOU WANNA GO!?" He asked.
"Shut up." Aizawa said.
"Well, what an entrance. Anyway, I'll explain things inside." She said turning and walking through the front large doors. They all entered to see a... you already know. They all stared in amazement except for Izuku. He knew what the problem was. Thirteen started explaining what the dome was for. Izuku looked at the fountain. He saw smoke. Aizawa also noticed this. That's when everyone looked their way. Shigaraki walked out of the smoke with the Nomu.
"Hm... All Might's not here. Let's kill a few of them. He'll be sure to come after that." Shigaraki grinned. A bunch of heroes came out again. Everyone was scared except for Izuku. He looked determined. Along with Aizawa. He put his glasses on.
"Get out of here! I'll hold them off!" Aizawa said as he jumped down the staircase. He went to fighting the lesser villains. The rest of the class along with Thirteen ran toward the door. The smoke got in the way.
"Where do you think you're going?" It asked.
"MR. AIZAWA!" Izuku shouted. Aizawa looked up at the smoke and used his quirk. The smoke stayed but it wasn't able to warp things.
"Iida! Get out of here!" Izuku shouted. Iida hesitated for a second.
"Get help from other heroes! You're the fastest!" Thirteen said.
"WATCH OUT!" Aizawa shouted. They couldn't see him but could only hear him. The smoke began coming at them. Everyone that could dodged out of the way. Izuku stayed. He knew where he was going and how to get out. He soon fell into the water.
Come on Tsu...
A villain attacked before Tsu slammed her foot into him. She placed Izuku on the boat but slammed Mineta on it. They all gathered around.
"What do we do?" Tsu asked.
"We escape and I have a plan." Izuku said. He instantly explained it. They got the idea. Izuku jumped off the edge of the boat. He created a large enough air force to creat a whirlpool. They all got sucked in. Tsu got the escape while Mineta threw his balls. Things went perfectly, just like last time. They all landed on shallow waters and went over to the center of the dome. They saw Aizawa hanging in there. That's when the Nomu stepped in. It jumped behind Aizawa and slammed him into the ground. It then pinned him down. Tsu's and Mineta's eyes widened. Izuku knew what would happen next. He was going to make sure that they make it out. Shigaraki started walking over to them.
"Let's kill a few of them. All Might will sure come then." Shigaraki grinned under his mask. He walked over. He aimed his hand at Tsu. She was frozen and scared.
Don't worry Tsu, you'll be alright
Shigaraki places his hand on her face and nothing happened. Aizawa was using his quirk. Shigaraki turned to see this. The Nomu then slammed Nighteye's head down.
"TSU! RUN!" Izuku shouted. Shigaraki turned to see Izuku with a charged punch. Izuku slammed his fist and hit the Nomu instead. It got in between fast enough. His arm wasn't broken either.
So, it wasn't 100%!
He was then thrown by the Nomu. Shigaraki turned to see Tsu and Mineta gone.
"Lord! You damn kid! I'll kill you now. Nomu." Shigaraki said. Izuku was on his feet and looking at them.
The Nomu will come behind.
The Nomu disappeared. Instantly Izuku turned and slammed a 100% punch on it. It went flying back and slammed against the wall.
"WHAT THE... HOW STRONG ARE YOU!?" Shigaraki asked. Izuku's entire arm was broken.
"Strong enough to beat you." He grinned. Shigaraki quickly went to kill Aizawa before Izuku flicked his finger. Shigaraki was then pushed back. The Nomu appeared by Izuku again. Izuku noticed and was able to slam his other fist into him. The Nomu went flying again. As he did this, some of the students were watching.
"Is that... Midoriya?" Sero asked.
"He needs help!" Uraraka said.
"But how?" Mina asked. Uraraka looked down there.
"We can bring Mr. Aizawa's body up here. Sero." Uraraka said. Sero nodded. He swung in and grabbed Aizawa. Shigaraki noticed this but let it slide.
"I'll dew with you fools later. This brat is annoying me." He said walking toward Izuku. The Nomu was climbing out of his wall.
"What now? Your little frail arms are broken." Shigaraki grinned. Shigaraki put his hand out toward Izuku's face. Suddenly a loud bang was heard. Shigaraki stopped.
"I know who that is." He grinned. All Might was at the door with an angry face.
"I am here!" He said. Shigaraki turned to him.
"Oh... the witch will be so pleased for this. Master will receive his reward once I'm done with you." Shigaraki said. Izuku heard him say that.
Witch? Master? Reward? I'm confused...
He didn't really understand.
"Your the last one. I bet you already know that." Shigaraki said.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but I won't let you escape or kill anyone here." All Might said.
"Oh really?" Shigaraki grinned. He turned back to Izuku. He was ready for this. Izuku kicked his foot down to be sent flying up.
"SERO!" He cried out. Sero barely had time. He quickly swung over to get him.
"Nomu! Get him!" Shigaraki said. Suddenly All Might appeared and punched the large bird. It didn't move.
"What in the—" He began before receiving a punch to the chest. He looked at the Nomu.
Hopefully I can do this.
The two started brawling it out hard. Shigaraki sighed.
"Kurogiri!" He shouted. The smoke came to him.
"Yes?" He asked. The punches from All Might and Nomu we're making it almost impossible for him to be there.
"Get me close. I want to decay him." Shigaraki said. Suddenly explosions were heard. Bakugo came from nowhere and landed an explosion on Shigaraki. Kurogiri's eyes widened as he tried to escape before being pinned down. Bakugo was holding him down by the metal cylinder.
"I noticed this when I fought you earlier." He said. Shigaraki got up before slipping back down. Todoroki used his ice. He was there too.
"Everyone's here!" Uraraka said. They were watching in amazement. Izuku was back by everyone. His arms both broken. Tsu and Mineta made it here too. All Might and Nomu were still going.
"That Shock Absorption will make your attacks useless!" Shigaraki said.
"Not unless it can't hold all of it!" All Might responded.
"You have have heard these words before, but I'll show you what they truly mean." He said. He punched the Nomu's arms upward, not letting it have a guard.
"PLUS ULTRA!" He shouted. He landed his fist directly on Nomu's chest and sent it flying through the top of the dome. All Might turned to Shigaraki.
"No... nonononoNO!" He screamed, now scratching his neck.
"You're the last one. I need to kill you. We need to receive the witch's love!" Shigaraki said. All Might was just standing there. He couldn't move.
"You know what? I'll do it myself!" He shouted. He placed his hand on the floor. That completely decayed the ice. Shigaraki then ran forward at Bakugo.
"STOP!" All Might shouted. He couldn't do anything. Bakugo grinned as jumped at Shigaraki. Bakugo aimed a hand out for an explosion before it went though a portal. It was Kurogiri. He was no longer pinned down. Shigaraki's hand was reaching Bakugo's face. It was almost an inch away before Shigaraki's hand was shot. He backed up and grabbed his hand.
"AHH! WHAT THE HELL?" He asked. He looked up the stairs to see a bunch of heroes gathered up. Shigaraki started scratching the hell out of his neck to where he began bleeding.
"NONONO! HE'LL NEVER GET THE WITCH'S LOVE NOW! I CAN'T KILL HIM! I'VE FAILED!" Shigaraki screamed. Suddenly a bunch of smoke appeared. That's when the smoke and Shigaraki disappeared. They were gone. The heroes quickly came down and apprehended all of the criminals. All the students were gathered up and made sure nobody was missing or dead, which thankfully, they weren't. In the end, that crisis was over. Izuku was able to stop it. Nobody knew, but he was the reason that most people survived, and maybe even all of them. He went home that day with two casts. They were mostly healed other than the fact that they hurt like hell. Inko was freaking out. Izuku almost DIED and he said he was fine. Well, it's ironic. Izuku DID die, and that's actually the reason he and many others survived. He didn't know why he had this ability, but he's thankful he has it...

Quick question. If I copy and paste words in here, it usually puts it in a really REALLY dark font. So, tell me if you can read the thing below or if it's black. I need at least one person to tell me cause it's super important.
Can you read this?

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