The Ad

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God damn ass hole. Of course my rent would go up. All I told him was that I was not interested and because of that he decided to up my rent. I would normally just go yell at him but since he did it because I refused to go out with him, I'd prefer not to get kick out of the place I have begun to call home. The only home I've known. It's a nice two bedroom condo with a balcony and a nice kitchen. And it's already expensive enough and adding 500 onto it is immature. I only get 2000 a month from my lawyer to pay for food and housing. Because that is what my parents put in the will.


"I'm sorry Skye, your parents death was unseeable. But as you know each member of this firm had to make a Will if they had children, incase one of the criminals family members lashed out on us. " Drake said. Drake was my dad's best friend. They both were partners in a huge law firm. But then my father died along with my mother in a car accident.

"Hello?" Drake says to me. I snap out of it and looked at him.

"Skye, your dad and mom both agreed if they were to die while you were young that they would leave me as your guardian and that each month you receive only 2000. They believed that if they gave you all the money when you turn 18 that you would recklessly spend it in a way to coop. Now until you are 21 you will only receive 2000 a month. Enough to cover rent when you turn 18 and move out of my place, and for food. But when you turn 21 you will inherit all 5.3 million dollars and will be free with it. "

I looked at him shocked. My parents died and he wanted to talk about money.

"Where will I be going to live until I am 18?" I asked gloomy, trying not to cry.

"Like I said before you will live with me until you are 18, then we will find you a nice condo to live in."

"Do I still have to go to school?" I asked quietly.

"Of course, I can't let you not finish your education. You only have 3 months till you are 18 and 4 month till you graduate."

He was right and I hated that.

I hate school. They are so cruel to me. Because I am curvy and different.


I hated high school with a passion. Every day I sat through eight hours of bull shit. And I was always bullied. I was different. I was curvy. I wasn't a thin pole. And because of that I was called names and was tortured by "the popular" girls. But there was one guy though that always bullied me, worse than the popular girls, Jace. If something was wrong with my hair, clothes, or face he would make a comment about it. I remember when my parents died and I started losing weight he said that I'm just looking for attention. When in reality I refused to eat because I couldn't stand dinners at the table with just Drake and I. But I guess I have changed a lot since those years. I turn 21 in six months, I have a job, I lost seventy pounds and now have a pleasing curvy body, and I have a condo all to myself...well not to myself anymore. Damn and I was getting use to walking around naked. But I guss if it is only for six months I shall be find. I just now have to make an ad and post it in the bars, diners, and mall. 

I get on my computer in the spare room that I made into a reck room and started typing.

Roommate need...

*Must be over 19. Must have a job. Must be able to pick up after themselves. Must be able to provide half the rent. Must understand that visiting hours for other guest should be at night since I sleep during the day. 

Monthly rent: 800

Includes: Own bedroom, bathroom, nice wide kitchen, flat screen tv in living room (to be shared), and bed. Dressers will not be supplied. 

My number is:308-745-9982

Call me with any questions. If you are wanting the position call me with your name and I will give you the address to bring your belonging. First month rent will be due as soon as you enter the house.

I printed the ad out and hung it up around town. As soon as I got back home to lay down someone texted me. 


unknown: Hey I am texting to reply to the ad. I am in need of a place to stay. I have a job. I am 20 almost 21, I have the money, and I am a clean person.

I wasn't sure if I should message back or not. I mean its only been an hour and he is all ready to move in. I mean if it wasnt because I blew through 800 of my 2000 already I would probably want to meet him first and got through the process but since in two days rent is due I don't think I can. 


From me to unknown

If it wasn't because rent is due in two days I would've liked to meet you but seeming I dont have a choice you can  move in. I will be out at work tonight until 4 in the morning. But I will leave my spare key under the mat and you can come make yourself comfortable. I have a computer in the spare room and you can just lay it on my bed in my own room. But I do ask you to be done unpacking by the time I am home since I will be exhausted. I leave a 7, you may come over after that, since you need time to pack up your belongings. 

Unknown to me:

Thank you. I will be over around 7:30 and I will be done unpacking by then. Thanks again for pushin it so soon. I guess I will meet you in the morning. 

I read the text and decided not to text back I needed to get ready for work. But the thing I forgot to ask was if it was a man or not... I guess it doesn't matter because what matters is showering and shaving. At my job it was required to wear booty short and shirts that expose the stomache. And since I've lost all the weight I have looked amazing in these outfits. I was the prettiest out of all the girls that work there. But to top off my work I added in my dangling anchor belly button piercing. I was cold against my olive skin. I put the key under the mat, prayed the person wasn't a killer, and took one last look in the mirror and was off to work.

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