Part 24

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More brain damaging memories yay!

Of course everyone being friends at the studio, card games were a fun thing to do...but, unnecessarily competitive.
Boris challenged Sammy, Wally, and Shawn to a card game called crazy 8's. (Yes it's a real card game and super fun)
A bunch of the other workers watched. It was quite interesting. Sammy glared at the wolf from across the table because they were on their third round, Boris having won all previous rounds.
Boris placed down his last card, having won again. Sammy let his cards fall out of his hands. "Either you're some kind of mastermind with cards, or you're cheating." Sammy said.
Boris smiled. The musician glared at him. "I bet you cheated." He said. "Sammy, just face the fact that you suck at this game." Wally said.
"You have no right to say that, you haven't won at all either!" Sammy pointed out. "True, but I ain't whinin bout it." Wally responded.
"I'm not whining!" Sammy argued. "I'm just saying, if Boris wasn't playing you still wouldn't win." He said.
Wally crossed his arms. "Bet." He said. Shawn and Boris backed out of the game that round to watch. Grant came and sat down beside Shawn. "He's gonna loose." He whispered to the Irish man. Shawn nodded.
So Sammy and Wally played a game of cards, insulting and threatening each other the entire time. "I don't mean to cut your hope off short but, you're goin down." Wally said.
Sammy glared at the short joke. "Alright Happy-feet, but I don't think you'll win this round." He responded.
Wally glared back. "Just askin, what's the point of winnin?" Shawn asked. "To see whose better at cards, which isn't Sammy." Wally said.
"Yeah, but, I think you should play for something, I have an idea-" Shawn leaned over and whispered his idea to them.
"I dunno, that's kind of weird." Wally shrugged. "What's the matter Bugs Bunny? Scared you're gonna loose?" Sammy challenged.
"Fine ya Beethoven wanna-be, let's play for that then!" Wally growled. The two continued throwing insults and cards.
"What are they playing for?" Grant asked Shawn quietly. "Whoever wins gets to tell the other's crushed that they like them." Shawn whispered with a smirk.
"Oh this should be interesting." Grant chuckled. Eventually, Sammy lost. "Ahh, fuck." Sammy said. "Now what do they have to do?" Susie asked.
"You'll see!" Shawn grinned.
Wally scanned the room until he spotted who he was looking for. "OI! Norman c'mere!" Wally called. The projectionist curiously walked over.
"What did you guys play on...and why am I involved?" Norman asked. Sammy slowly started backing up.
"Sammy! Where are ya goin?" Wally asked. "Anywhere else but here." Sammy responded. He dashed out of the room.
Wally shrugged. "Anyways, since he lost I get to tell ya that he's got a huge crush on ya!" Wally grinned. Norman's eyes widened.
"Really?" He asked. Wally nodded. Susie looked put out. " ya like him?" Shawn asked. Norman blushed.
"Of course he does!" Bendy laughed. "He's loved Sammy longer than Sammy's loved him." Henry said.
"I thought you two forgot about that." Norman said. "Nope." Henry smirked. "Hey." Jack said. "Remember when-"
As the scene unfurled, it felt like the workers eyes had finally really opened. Everyone was full on laughing.
They remembered a bit better now, but not fully. All they really remembered was who they were. Alice had started splitting into two.
Attached to her side was Susie. They had been morphed together. Most of the ink had melted off of the workers.
They still had some limbs made of ink, or half their face, but they were mostly human now. As for Wally and Tom they had Boris ears and tails.
"We put those two in the closet to make them confess, but it didn't work!" Wally and Jack said along with the screen.
They looked at each other. "I don't remember exactly who you are, but I like you." Wally grinned. "I think we must've been friends, which person is you? I'm that guy with the black hair and this hat." Jack said, pointing to the screen.
"I'm the guy with messy hair, but you can see me like that right now I just have Boris features." Wally squinted at him.
"Oh, yeah right, sorry I guess I'm not that observant." Jack apologized. "Same here." Wally laughed.
Snow fell lightly outside the studio. "I wanna go play in it." Wally announced. "Work bud." Jack said. Wally slumped. "I could convince Joey to let us have a little break, you guys deserve it." Henry said.
"What about you?" Bendy asked. "I do not, I should work." Henry said.
Bendy rolled his eyes. "You deserve a break the most out of everyone here, so let's go play in da snow!" Bendy pulled on Henry's arm.
Henry laughed. "Fine, but let's get the other workers." He said. So they got all the workers and had a massive snowball fight. Wally probably won.
The reel ended. Before Sammy put another one in Norman's head, Henry stood at the front of the room.
"Alright, so let's go through what we know right now. Norman and Sammy loved each other, Thomas and Grant were best friends, and Shawn was like a best friend to Grant too, Wally and Jack were always in the same place so they were best friends." Henry said.
"And Bendy never ever stopped following you around." Allison recalled. "Yeah." Henry smiled. The group watched through a bunch of memories. Until they remembered everything.
"So, Norman never got to talk to Sammy about liking him back, he must've been looking for the right time." Shawn observed.
"I don't know if they'd still feel the same, oh well whatever Sammy will find someone else to love." Susie shrugged.
"Susie I'm going to smack you." Norman growled. The workers were pretty much back to normal. They did of course have ink stained hair and clothes, but other than that, they were back to normal.
"Norm, I'm sorry I never told you." Sammy apologized.
Norman smiled at the small man. "Sam, I had a million more chances than you did to tell you, but I didn't because I was so afraid of rejection, and I was terrified of the thoughts that you might never speak to me again." Norman looked at his knees, pressing his legs into his chest.
"I-I still love you Norman, do you still love me?" Sammy asked. Norman looked up at him. "Of course I do Sammy, I never stopped." Norman smiled.
Sammy jumped on him and kissed him. The other workers awed.
"Hey, I have a question." Alice said. Everyone turned to her. "Y'know in that card game memory, who did Wally have a crush on?" She asked.
"Pff- no need to get inta that." Wally muttered. "Ooh~ Wally still likes em too, look at his red face!" Shawn giggled.
Wally curled into a ball and glared at the toy maker. "Y'know Wally spent an awful lot of time with Jack, I've never seen the two apart for a second." Thomas butted in.
Wally blushed darkly and laid his head on his knees. "NOOOO!" He screamed. "Jack? What do you have to say to this?" Grant asked.
Everyone waited for him to answer, and Wally wished death upon himself.

We're nearing thee end but I'm making another batim book after this one ends so-

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