Chapter 6

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He followed me out of the front door and we started walking towards the train station.

"Hey Evelyn..."
He broke the silence as we walked down the empty street. We had been walking in silence for about 5 minutes but it felt comfortable, it wasn't awkward.

"Yes Harry Styles" I replied with a smile, turning my head to look into his piercing green eyes.

"I've known you for maybe three hours now, but it feels like I've known you for years. I know so little about you, yet it feels like I know everything. I've never thought that about anyone before. It's weird but it's comforting... do you know what I mean?"

I was completely shocked. I never thought I would hear those words from anyone. Let alone Harry fricken Styles.

I let out a small chuckle and turned my head to look at my feet. Eye contact makes me nervous. "You don't know anything about me... yet" I quickly snap my head up to look at him, "but yes, I know what you mean...because I feel the same way about you."
I smile and look forward as we carry on walking to the station in silence.

I'm so sorry that it took so long to write a really short chapter but I didn't know what to write to fill in the gap.
Anyways tpwk x

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