Two years before

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This chapter is very important to understand parts of the book so please read :)

There we were lying on my roof, just two best friends staring up at the sky taking in the beautiful sight of the twinkling stars and the glowing moon.
The last day of summer before college started back up. The last day of freedom before being pushed back into what felt like an endless cycle of work, pressure, stress and sleep.

"We'll always see the same moon" she said, breaking the silence as we both shifted our focus towards the huge glowing circle in the middle of the sky. She then lifted up her wrist showing the friendship bracelets we made when we were 14.
"It will always keep us connected" I replied, lifting up my half of the moon on my bracelet and connecting it to hers.

We've been coming up to the roof like this since we were 12 and talk about our dreams of becoming famous singers. Since we were 15 we would follow up with our own special rendition of sign of the times by Harry styles, this song along with if I could fly by one direction became an obsession of ours. For some reason we are suckers for deep songs. We were both taking music in college. We loved it.

"Skyler, it's getting late come on let's go! Or you'll walk home!"  We heard the shout coming through the window startling us, breaking my train of thorough and forcing us to sit up.
"Ugh coming mum!"

That night I lay awake staring at the moon knowing that sky was doing the same. We weren't ready to go back to college but let's be real, who ever is?

Okay this chapter will make sense later in the book. The jump to the future will be kinda random but it will make sense later.
Please just stick with it.
Tpwk x

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