Chapter 32

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They marched me out of the room. When we got out, they took the hood of me.

"What were you thinking?!" Coulson shouted at me.

"I wanted more answers! More information about my past!" I shouted back at him.

"That was against protocol!" He still shouted at me, "You know it was! You're lucky that we're not enemys, because if we were you would be back down in that cell again!" I could tell that he was angry. Really angry, "You can't just go and lock yourself in there!"

"I'm sorry! It's just..." I started but I studered, "It's just...he knew about..." I studered again, "He knew about my mum. He had something from her for me." I said, gradualy getting softer.

"What was it?!" He asked, still shouting I looked at the ground, "I'm sorry." He said, lowering his voice, "I guess I'm a bit to protective over you."

"It's fine." I said as I pushed past him. I went down to my bunk in the basement. It was were I was staying before I joined Coulson's team. It had all of the things that belonged it me in there. All of my passports, guns, equipment. I decided to try and find my bow that Barton had given me. I looked everywhere and finally found it under my bed. It was a personalised one, so it had Captain America all over it. It could fold up to be pretty small. It folded up to be the size of an A4 piece of paper. It had its own case, also covered in Cap. In the case, there was also my quill, yet again covered in Cap.

"And I thought Coulson was obsessed!" Skye said as she walked through the door.

"You startled me!" I said to her. We laughed.

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's my bow, quill and arrows." I replied,"I have a suit somewhere." I said as I tried to look for it. I had found it. It was black with a hint of purply/red on it.

"Wait... Is that like a superhero costume?!" Skye said excitedly.

"Ummm... not really." I said back.

"Oh..." She said, with an awkward silence between, "Could you show me your skills?" She asked.

"Yea, sure." I replied. I grabbed the other piece of equipment for my arm and fingers, and we headed upstairs. We went to the practice range. I took out my bow.

"Well that's a bit small don't you..." Before she could finish her sentence, with one flick of a wrist, I made the bow big, "That's cool!" She exclaimed. I put on my protection and unfolded my arrows.

"By having arrows that fold up, I can have more in one case." I started to explain to her, "I do have an automated quill but I left it with Barton."

"Cool." Skye said.

"You may want to stand back." I said to her. I started to shoot and shoot and shoot. Every single one hitting the centre target, "That...was...wicked!" She screamed at me. At that point, Coulson came round the corner.

"I knew you were good. I just didn't know how good." He said to me, "Oh my gosh! Is that a Captain America customised bow?! He said, sounding so excited.

"Emm...yea." I said back.

"That is so cool!" He said with a smile of joy on his face. Bobbi came down the stairs with May.

"Coulson. We have a major problem." May said, looking serious.

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