Chapter 6

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"How long where you guys there?" I asked them.

"For the whole conversation." Answered Skye.

"Even the...." Grant started to say.

"Kiss. Yes. It was only on the cheek though. No big deal." Interrupted May. Grant and I looked at each other. We where shocked that they where watching us.

"Look listen. We're here because we're moving Grant to a secure facility."

"Where?" I asked.

"It's classified." He answered, "Because of what happened to you, you'll be going to."

"What?" I said, shocked that he would say that, "I'm fine, really!

"Just for a while. Not too long." Skye said.

"Well at least it means we'll be close to each other." Grant whispered to me.

"Yea." I said back. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to be close to him after I had found out he was hydra. Suddenly other Agents came into the room. The room started to fill with smoke, but this time it was different, "What's this?" I asked as I feel to the floor. I wasn't unconscious, just weak.

"It's something to help us with you. It'll last for a little, while we move you." Answered Coulson.

"After last time." May looks at Grant in a weird way. We're both lying helpless on the floor when guards came in the door. They placed us face down on the ground and handcuffed us. They got us up and started to walk us out.

Coulson had something to say to me, "Good Luck." He whispered in my ear. They put hoods over our heads so we wouldn't try to get out. They took us to a truck where they sat us on the seats.

"This isn't how I expected to see you next." Grant said to me. We still had the hoods on our heads just incase, "Crazy, huh? Us, here, together, again." I wasn't speaking to him. I didn't want to since he, technically speaking, put me here, "Your not speaking to me on purpose, aren't you?" I still didn't answer, "Well, I guess I'll just have to talk to myself then!"

"Your not by yourself! You can talk to me!" Said one of the guards sarcastically.

Grant and I just laughed into ourselves. When we got to the prison, they took us out of the truck, and strait to the cells. They purposely put in cells as far away as possible from each other. We didn't know though until our hoods where removed. Then something unexpected happened.

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