Chapter 2

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"Your Willow, right?" Asked Skye.

"Yeah." I answered.

"I'm Skye."

"Nice to meet you Skye."

"So, how'd you end up in this place?" She asked Willow.

"My parents where shield agents just like you. My parents tried to kill me. Coulson got me out just in time, but in the process, he had to kill my parents." I answered .

"I know how it feels." Said Skye.

"What. To have your parents try to kill you?" I said.

"My parents are also both dead. That's what I meant." We walked to pick up my bags, "Here, let me help you." Said Skye.

"Thanks. Have you ever fancied anyone?. I know that's probably a really personal question!" I asked.

"I liked a guy called Ward for a bit before I found out he was Hydra." Replied Skye.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know.." I said back. At that point we where at The Bus again.

"Where do you sleep?" I asked.

"Just here." She replied.

"I sleep right next to you!" I said. We both laughed again.

"So, you've already made a friend then." Said Coulson.

"Yeah." I said back.

"I have to go with Coulson. See you later Willow!" Said Skye.

"See ya!" I said after her.

I was left alone, sitting on my bed. I new I recognised the name Ward from somewhere. Was it a surname? Or was it somebody's forename? I was thinking so hard that I was getting tired. I unpacked my things and got changed into my p-j's. I looked at the teddy that I had had for a long time. He was a lion. He was called Midas, or Mid for short. He was all scruffy and his hair was cut short. His tag with his name on it had rubbed off years ago, bit somehow I still managed to remember his name even though my memory was wiped by my parents. I loved them before they went mental. I also loved my cousin. He was around 15 years older than me so he would be around 30 now. Somehow I managed just to remember his face and his first name and how old he was. We shared the same birthday, that I also knew. He was so kind and gentle and he loved his family until his older brother set him up to set alight to his family home. I didn't like him at all. It was the same with Grant. We both hated him. Grant bought me Mid! Now I remember! I fell asleep only to have the same nightmare I always have. My parents. I always see a skull, shaped logo at the end of my nightmare. I woke up suddenly in a cold sweat. I just went back to sleep and pretended that nothing had happened.

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