Chapter 11

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Grant had scared the wits out of me.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked him.

"Picking up you."

"What about all the others?! Do they know your here?!" I asked.

"Well........If them being knocked out counts, then yes." He said back, "But Skye knows." He said as he brought her into my room as well. He had her in a firm grip by her his right arm.

"Grant, let her go." I pestered him.

"Why would I. She's as important to me as you are and I promised her I would protect her." He said to me in a soft voice, "We need to go, now." He said sounding as if he was in a mad rush. He grabbed me with his left hand.

"Hang on!" I screamed at him, "Can I get my laptop first? It can help us."

He paused to think for a couple of seconds, "Fine." He said. We them went to Skye's bunk and got her laptop as well. He shoved it into Skye's other arm.

"What's this for." She asked.

"To help her! Come on! Let's go!" He said to us. He dragged us up the stairs into hiss Quinn Jet. He shoved us on the seats and he went into the cockpit, "Buckle up! It's gonna be a ruff ride with S.H.I.E.L.D after us." We buckled up into our seats. Skye brought her portable wifi generator so we could hack on the plane wherever Grant was taking us. Iopened my laptop and realised S.H.I.E.L.D had put a tracker in me years back before the colleges. I realised if I could hack into S.H.I.E.L.D and find the file which said what trackers had been out into certain people then I could activate it and Coulson would know where we are and keep someone undercover near us at all times. I sent an email to Skye explaining all of this. She understood it and gave me a nod from across the plane. I smiled back.

Hey Willow,
Great idea! But what happens if Grant finds out?
Skye xx

Hey SO,
I'll make sure he won't.
Willow xx

I thought it was funny that I called her SO, but judging that I didn't see her smile or laugh I guess not.

What's your mission?
Skye xx

Why should I tell you?
Willow xx

I'm your SO, I need to know everything that your doing so I can keep track of you.
Skye xx

Look, I'm a Level 6 Agent. I went to their stupid S.H.I.E.L.D Hogwarts, so I don't think I need to tell you because if it was important Coulson would have told you.

You forgot the xx at the end of your name.
Skye xx

Haha. Very funny, SO. You don't know whether that SO means you or if it means so.
Ps, I left out the xx on purpose.

"Is everything ok?" Asked Grant as he walked in the from the cockpit. We immediately shut our computers and said in sync, "Yeah. Why?" We both gave each other a dirty look.

"Good. Just making sure my girls are ok."

"Your GIRLS?!?!?!" We both said in sync, again. This time when we looked at each other we had shocked looks on our faces.

"Yeah. Your both girls. Willows my cousin, and I sort of might like Skye a bit, so that classes you as my girls." He tried to explain to us. We just looked at him weirdly, "Never mind." He said and walked back into the cockpit.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"London." He replied as we flew under Tower Bridge.

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