Chap - 13 : Suhagrat night - 3 😱🙈

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Today is holiday......hulala hulalal Let's nachoo....

So here is next chap - 🎊🎉
Let's continuee...

So here is next chap - 🎊🎉Let's continuee

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Huffing Avu went to his room..well, its her also so she went to nearby couch and as her head touch the couch she pulled up the quilt and in no time she slept due to today's tierdness which clearly visible through her eyes...

5 min after...

Sid woke up because he has to do work...actually he dinn't slept he acted that he slept to make his Rabbit or so called wife in his sense sleep as she would disturb he thought...

His work was large and so was it's burden..
He couldn't sleep before completing it and this made his sleepy eyes red with doubt he himself was tired from marrige function but in his sense his first priority is his work..

Slowely a mild headache was coming to its surface and he couldn't help take a break..

Getting up from his seat he stood near the window to see raindrops tapping on the glass and leaving a trail behind..
A bright thunder illuminated and he waited for the second to follow..

But along with the voice of thunder , another scream followed and he looked back to see his wife pulling quilt over her head and shivering..

He signed not wanting another of girls dramas which he hated with passion..

He remember hating his buissness partner who called herself his girlfrnd but actually she was only his buissness partner crying over a broken extended nail which ruined her nailpolish..

And this was no exception to them he thought..
It was just some thunder and rain but they have to create such a drama out if it..

Ignoring her he continued to do his work when he heard her sobbing under the layer of her quilt..

He couldn't read a line more before getting distracted by her sobs..Feeling irritated due to the tons of work he still had to do and her childish interruptions he shouted at her..

"Can you for God sake stop this drama!!! I am trying to do some work here!!"

His anger made her stop all of a sudden..
She tried to take deep breathes followed by placing both hands on her mouth to shut her cries..

The fear of lighting and thunder that almost every child has when they are younger..
But with time everyone tends to give it away like many other fears..

But not her..
Since childhood, she used to be afraid of it but no one held her in their arms to make her lose this fear..

She used to lock herself up in a cupboard or hide under the bed until the storm continued...

Her parents busy in their work that almost they have to go to tour for buisness meeting every month.. So they mostly send her to her Aunt home her Aunt was nice but her uncle was drunkard person Her Aunt always suffer her Uncle harresment she even got more scared going to them and ask for help frustated from it she told her parents she donn't want to go in anyone others home her Parents agreed when a her Grandma died she was sent to bording school where she was bullied every day..

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