Chap - 15 : Hey, baby girl What's your name?¿😏

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How's life going?¿

Hope you all are safe and fit and fine..

Let's continuee..

Let's continuee

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Sid pov -

I quickly got into the passenger seat ignoring the weird feeling I got when Miss oops Mrs Nigam was on my lap..

I connected my mobile to the car and called Jai..Meanwhile I took out the gun from the backseat and loaded..

I saw Mrs Nigam eyes little widen but soon changed in void expression, thank God she dinn't ask me its not the time to play 20 questions..And well If I care to tell her..

Jai picks up and greeted me..


"Russians are following my car I need backup as soon as possible.."I ordered..

"Yes boss" he answered and hung up..

"Try to loose them Mrs. Nigam"I told her she nooded, pushing her legs further on gas pedal..

She is daam good driver, I thought she would be like other - "oouch my nails hurt" and fla fla fla..well cann't we judge anything at first sight maybe she is like others only..

I came out of my thoughts..rolled down the window and tried to shoot them..Luckily there were very few cars on highway making my work more easier..

I shot at one of the wheel making there car loosing its direction .. beside that car there was one more car following me and her...I aimed the front glass and shot the driver..The glass was not bulletproof...After 3-5 minutes of shooting I make sure no one was following me..and ducked my head inside the car exhaling loudly...I glanced at Mrs.Nigam and I was expecting fear but there was none...Weird..

"Take a right from next road"She glanced at me then stared at the road ahead

"But my office is not in this way.."She told me..

I replied, "I know, We are going to safe house, they would again expect us at office..I cann't take that risk..Well credit goes to you too..And we also have to purchase grocery/some food No one has gone that house Since long time.."I explained, I donn't know why but I explained her...She mummered some cursing words to me...

"I can listen"

"I intensionally spoke aloud so that you can listen Mr. Nigam"She jerked..

Meanwhile I called Jai and explained the situation and our whereabouts..he told me he would inform the caretaker about my and her arrival and then hung up..

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