Chap - 16 Jeloo baby💥 and Leaned😱

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How are you all?¿

How's the mood?¿

Life going mst yaa wohi bakwas??!!

Let's continuee..

Let's continuee

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Avi pov -

I could tell he was angry although trying to cover it up with void expression, his jaw was clenched making him look 10 time hotter..

Ewwww what the hell is wrong with this brain..Shut up!!

He was gripping the stirring wheel, I was sure he would break it..Poor stirring

He started car in very fast, I guess he is not aware that he is not alone....A.L.O.N.E..

I took a deep breathe, "Mr, Nigam You are not A.L.O.N.E"

He glaced at me than looking back at road wishpered something..

Dinn't you see how creeply he was looking at you from starting..

I dinn't understand what was he even talking about..then it hit in me that creepy guy, well I was really surprised when Mr.Nigam pull me towards him and kept his hand in my waist I felt like like..Ahm Ahm What nothing, it was was mere just..

Inturrupted by Mr.Nigam whisper again..dude how much this guy whispers..

How he saw you I just wanted to kill that guy..

Whooooo that was new...let's play bandar baby...

"Oooo someome is jellous I see!"

"Very much"

"Ooohooo V.E.R.Y much!!" *smriking

"Yes, my gf is really geeting jellous of you very much, shit my baby"


"My jello baby where are you?" He started moving from his seat to back seat, wait what there was sm1 else in this car and my 6th sense dinn't notify me, how..Fucking Shit H.O.W

Quickly I adverted my eyes to shoot who ever he was with my gun but huh! Wait what!?

Seriously, He he he

"W.H.A.T.  T.H.E  H.E.L.L." I roared like lioness well I am!!

He seriously is out of mind..

"What hell? you go to hell, And give me time so that my gf donn't get rude at me" he said crassing an ________wanna want to know what is that??!?!!!!?!?!

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