Chapter 7

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Iris P.O.V.

I was laying in bed waiting that for my mother to burst in my room and demanding to wake up. Half an hour past and my mother has come in yet. I started to wonder if she had was sick or something. After an hour past I was tired of waiting for my mom to wake up so I just got out of bed and went to do my usual morning routine. When I got down stairs I looked around the living room and no one was in site. I went to the kitchen and saw everyone sitting in the dining table.

My father was sitting at the head of the table reading the newspaper and my mother was at the left of him. Grandfather was at the other end of the table reading the other piece of newspaper that he stole from Father when he want looking.  Grandmother right of Grandfather.

Then there was something that surprised me. My older brother, Liam, was between my Father and Grandmother and the seat that is between my Mother and Grandfather was his wife, Ruby.

"Liam what are you doing here?" I asked with a questionable voice.

"What do you mean I am here for you."


"What do you mean why? You are my only baby sister and I want to be here every step of the pregnancy." He said excitedly.

Cough "Slut" Cough

"Ruby!" my bother yelled at his wife.

"What! I didn't say anything." Ruby said innocently.

"Ruby I have told you a numerous times I don't care that you don't like Iris but she is your sister-in-law. If it became between you and my sister she will always win no matter what." Liam said to his wife.

Ruby didn't say anything she just got up and walked out of the kitchen. On her way out of the kitchen she send me a glare that if it could put me under six feet in the ground.

"Liam, why would you talk to your wife like that?" My mother said to Liam.

"What do you mean mother."

"What I mean is that, she is your wife and that she should come before the rest of the family."

"Why would she, she can be replaced my family can't especially my younger sister."

"Your sister can be replaced to you. We could have another if you want but do not blow it with your wife."

"Mother I don't care that you care more about power and money than your own family but I am not you so stop saying things like that."

"Liam everyone in this family is the same we all crave power and money. See what your young precious sister is doing. She is doing this because she loves power and money just like the rest of us."

"Mother! Iris is nothing like you. She is not doing this because she wants power and money she is doing this because father and you forced her into this. If she had her way she would want to have a baby at sixteen and be sent to another court to live in!"

With that Liam grabbed my hand and he led me outside to the car and we drove to a small family dinner. When we got inside the dinner we sat in a booth. We both sat facing each other so we could talk more easily.

"I'm sorry Iris I didn't mean to over react." Liam apologies

"It's ok Liam, mother was always like that she will never change her ways." I said to him.

"I know that she will never change and that my bitch of a wife is just like my mother spending money that we don't have. I can't take it anymore the more I spend time with her I will kill myself."

"Please don't kill yourself you're the only person that actually looked out for me and cares than me being an incubator for the most powerful baby there is supposed to be." I said.

"You're not an incubator to me, Iris." A voice said out if nowhere.

Liam and I turned around to see who that voiced belong to but all we saw was the light of the early morning.

"Come out!!" Liam screamed.

Then Kyle come out of the shadow of the tree and started to walk toward me.

"You are not an incubator to me. You were my friend first before you ever a person that could become the mother of my pup, I mean children. I always dreamed of you being the mother in my big family that we will have." Kyle said to me while kneeing down and hugging my stomach as if it was his child that I was carrying.

"Do you really mean that Kyle?" Liam said because I was still too stunned to talk or even moved.

"He lies. He doesn't love you. He only wants you for the children in your womb." Another voice said out of nowhere.

"NO!" Kyle said to the other voice which I suspect is Xavier.

Kyle's arms that were around my stomach gripped a little too strong and it hurt quite a bit that I flinched to the pain Kyle was creating.

"Oww Kyle that hurts, stop it." I said in a low voice because I thought that Kyle would hear me but that didn't happen.

The more Kyle squeezed the more I feel fainty.

"Kyle, please let go."

"No!" then he squeezed harder.

"Stop it Kyle your hurting Iris." Liam said.

When Kyle realized that he was indeed hurting me he let go of me but it was a little too late. When Kyle released me the last thing I remember was that Liam was running towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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