Chapter 5

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"Tonight "a voice said.

We all turned around to see my mother behind all of us. Waiting as it she didn't want to interrupt.

"Oh, mother Hi" I “What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to pick up Grandma and grandpa?" I finish telling her.

Mother pointed behind where the car was and see Grandpa and Grandma sitting in the back seat just waiting. I started to panic because my grandparents are very strict and they hadn't like the guys very much now I know why my grandparents don't like the guys very much.

Stupid Ritual I thought.

Mother grabbed my arm and was ready to drag me to the car where my grandparents were. I was able to dodge her hand and walk towards the guys and ask them.

“Do both of you really want me as a mate and the mother of your children??”

“Yes I do.” Kyle said.

I looked at Xavier ready to hear him say yes to but he never said anything. I turned to face my mother and said,

“Do I have a choice on whose baby I carry?”

Mother looked up at me and said sadly,

“I am sorry honey you have no choice on whose baby you carry. The moment we do the ritual both semen will be inside you and also if one of the guys semen get inside you during the pregnancy it will probability that he will be the father of the child that you will carry but the guys won’t we allow to do that so don’t worry. You still have to remember that your feeling towards any of the guys can change the result of who can be the father, even if you are about to give birth and you favor Xavier and something happens and you now favor Kyle then with magic everything changes to Xavier to Kyle. Then we won’t know the outcome. We will have to wait for the baby to be born and to a DNA test. But baby you have no choice you have to have a child. The mother sometime doesn’t know either until the test.”

“But aren’t I took young to have a child even in my life?” I asked Mother.

“No. I had your brother when I was 16. I was made by my mother, the same thing happen to me I went over the same ritual but instead of the creatures it bad to been dark or light witches. Now sweetie it is your turn. I am sorry, we have to go now.”

Mother grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car with my grandparents. When I was inside the car I looked out the window and saw the guys staring at the car.

Nobody in the car was talking while we were riding home, so I though. When we passed the street that our house was in I asked anyone who would answer my question,

“We just passed out exit. Where are we going?”

Nobody answered my question. We were driving for 30 more minutes. When we got to our destination it was dark. We arrived to a big house in middle of nowhere. There were numerous of cars in the drive way. The car stopped in the entrance and we all go out. When we got out of the car the doors of the house swung open and a huge amount of women ran towards me. There were tall women, short women. Slim and fat, dark and pale. There were actually very pale women and normal looking people. Then all of a sudden every women stop talking and turned to look behind me. When I turned my grandfather had gotten out of the car with my grandmother behind him.

“Women prepare my granddaughter. The ritual will start in at midnight and if she is not ready by then, she will be taken back and she will birth a dark or light witch and not a creature. I know how this ritual is very important to everyone because it shows the treaty between the creatures and the witches. So treat carefully.”

With that my grandfather walking to the side of the house where there was a light coming from.

Then a numerous of hands grabbed me and in a second I was in a room. The room was large and the bed was a king size. There were two doors one on each side, I think that one is the bathroom and the other is the closet. The women all grabbed me and started to undress me.

“Go and shower” one of the women said to me.

I went to the shower and took a quick shower. When I got out two to three women came at me and started to dry me. When the women were done patting me down they took me to a chair that was in the middle of the room before.

It wasn’t there before. I though.

When the women sat me down they started to draw some kind of patterns on my skin and all over my body. I didn’t know why they did it but when they first did it my grandmother gave me a look saying ‘If-you-move-you die’. So I decided not to move at all. When the old women were done, they said,

“Girl don’t move, we don’t want the paint to smear and if it smears the spell won’t work and if doesn’t will not go well, okay?”

I just nodded.

I was just sitting in that chair what seemed like forever because when the old ladies told me that I could move again I was stiff and sore. That wasn’t the end of it. When I was able to move again I was dragged into a closet and was forced to wear nothing but undergarments.

It was about to be midnight and I was led to the kitchen door where will enter the ritual. I turned around to the ladies and told them,

“Can you wait couple of minutes I need to take a deep breath and relax?”

“I am sorry but we can’t do that we only a couple minutes and we need to get you into position and we need to wait until the men are done getting the princes semen.”

God this is really happening. I thought.

The old women grabbed my arm and took me outside and in the middle of the ritual ceremony. There was a table or something so I could get on it.

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